The dress

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Loki had given me leave to use his private chambers while he prepared the grand dining room, a space I had not yet seen

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Loki had given me leave to use his private chambers while he prepared the grand dining room, a space I had not yet seen. I had expressed to him that his royal suite, the one I had grown accustomed to, would have sufficed for our breakfast. However, he insisted on us dining in this particular room instead.

After showering in his bathroom, which looks as though its had little use—everything inside pristine—I stepped out, the steam billowing in clouds and dissipating as it met the colder air of the room.

I held the towel wrapped around me and headed towards the wardrobe, only to remember that this isn't my room; this is Loki's, and all my belongings are in a chest, still unpacked due to his full and busy schedule.

I turn around in a huff, ready to call out to a maid for assistance, when my eyes land on a dress laid out neatly on the bed, accompanied by a pair of matching heels and a sheer shawl in a soft yellow hue. Curious, I approach the ensemble, and my gaze falls upon a note written in Loki's elegant script.

'Min Karlek, Please would you do me the honour of allowing me to see you in the dress I made specifically for you. I eagerly await,

Ready to serve you...


I chuckle at the note. The way he wrote it was amusing, blending formality with his playful nature.

Smiling, I pick up the dress, gently tracing the fabric. The green and blue hues perfectly match the colour of my own eyes, while the vibrant yellow shawl is a clear nod to Loki's favourite colour.

I marvel at the craftsmanship and the care that has clearly gone into its creation. The fact that he's made this specifically for me touches my heart, and I can't wait to slip into it and surprise him.

Taking a final glance in the mirror, I admire the dress and the way it hugs my curves, accentuating my figure. The shawl adds a delicate touch, and the heels give me a subtle boost in confidence. With a deep breath I head out of Loki's chambers, excitement bubbling within me.

I don't quite know why I suddenly feel so excited, so eager to be in the presence of Loki. It's as though an awakening has happened inside me—or perhaps I've seen it inside of him?

Now, every touch of his hand, every lingering look when he thinks I'm not paying attention, and all the sweet words; they seem infused with a tenderness I had never truly noticed before. The notion that these actions were merely part of a game no longer intrudes on my thoughts. My once doubtful mind has seemingly relinquished control.

Now it is my heart that holds the reins. And I'm letting it take me where it wants to go.

Maybe it has taken the brush with death to open my eyes to the depth of his care and concern for me? Whatever has enlightened me, I am grateful. I enjoy this feeling of happiness. And I want to grasp it with two hands and never let it go.

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