Tarryd Tanyl Thurdan

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As Leon and I walk through the palace, I notice the same unfamiliar guard walking beside us

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As Leon and I walk through the palace, I notice the same unfamiliar guard walking beside us.

The fact that he remains rather than resuming his guard duties piques my curiosity, and I turn to ask his name.

"What do I call you, soldier?"

He glances at me briefly before responding, "Manfri, my queen."

"Manfri," I repeat, noting the unusual name. "It's not a Vanir name I've heard before, but I rather like it."

"You do?" he questions, a hint of scepticism in his voice.

"As I told my Jotun allies, if we were all the same, what a mundane world it would be. I find embracing different to be quite refreshing."

The sudden harsh sensation of fingers coiling around my wrist stops me in place, and I stare in shock at Manfri, his demeanor shifted. "Are you really allies with Jotunheim?" he asks, his tone accusatory.

I glance down at his hand placed firmly on my arm, taken aback by his unexpected behaviour. No guard, other than Leon or Ivor, rarely dare touch me in such a manner, even in exceptional circumstances.

I try to pull my wrist free, but his grip tightens, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Answer the question. Is Vannaheim in alliance with Jotunheim?" He presses.

I'm too stunned to answer, my jaw slack. But finally catching my shock, Manfri quickly releases his grasp and apologises. "I'm sorry. Forgive me."

We resume our walk, and I chalk up his odd behaviour as extreme fear of the Jotuns. Wishing to alleviate his concerns regarding Vannaheims new alliance, I try to reassure him. "To answer your question, Manfri, yes, Jotunheim is indeed a friendly ally to vannaheim."

I surprise him by placing a comforting hand on his arm, forgiving him for his earlier grip on me. "Put faith in your queen. Vannaheim, united by a sacred bond with Jotunheim, will make us greater than ever before."

I detach my grip and continue on, but I soon realise that something seems off. Looking around, I notice the absence of any familiar faces—no Ghoran, Hemly, or my timid maid whom I expected to be here, addressing the unruly state of my hair.

Turning to Leon, I begin to voice my concerns, "Don't you think it's strange that there are no guar—" but I stop mid-sentence, finding Leon no longer by my side.

"Where's Leon?" I ask, Manfri. But he ignores me, continuing his fast strides.

Unease starts to build within me as I follow Manfri towards my royal suite. I discreetly glance at him a few times, trying to gauge his expression, but it remains unreadable.

The doors to my royal suite come into view, and the closer I get, the stronger a sense of foreboding grows. I gradually begin to slow my pace, something inside telling me that I shouldn't go there, that I should be as far away from those doors as possible. 

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