A calculated game

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Leon's sudden awakening and witnessing Annalise and me in a passionate embrace is unfortunate

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Leon's sudden awakening and witnessing Annalise and me in a passionate embrace is unfortunate. Even more unfortunate is his hostility and sour attitude that tries to dictate who Annalise kisses.

Despite this, I still attempt to make peace by offering my help when I see him struggling to sit up. I'd hoped he'd accept my aid, moving past our little scuffle that marked his skin, but he swats my hand away, refusing to accept my genuine olive branch.

It's deeply frustrating. His staunch rebuff makes it clear that he's not yet ready to reconcile. Even for Annalise's sake, he's not willing to mend the rift or even meet me halfway.

Annalise, ever the peacemaker, quickly steps forward, taking the lead in trying to resolve the tensions. I observe proudly as she directs her scorn at him, making it clear who she chooses to be intimate with is none of his concern.

Leon, however, continues to overstep, his sarcasm and resistance igniting my anger. I want to intervene, to assert myself, but I hold back, trusting Annalise will stay firm with her authority and handle the situation.

Annalise's firmness sticks around for a little while, but to my dismay, I witness her falling prey to Leon's manipulative sob story. As soon as he mentions her father, she perches herself next to him, listening intently.

Undoubtedly, it's a clever ploy. Leon knows exactly which strings to pull to elicit her sympathy, and seeing her respond to his narrative so readily is disheartening.

Annalise's resolve softens further, her strict authority vanishing before my eyes as their conversation shifts to fond recollections of their childhood together. This revelation surprises me. I knew Leon was close in age to Annalise, but I had no idea he had spent part of his youth around the palace, developing a bond with her before moving to train as a Vanir guard.

As their tender moment lingers, their hands now intertwined, I can't stop the rousing jealousy that builds up beneath my skin.

There's no denying their connection is genuine; I can feel it. This is the kind of bond formed over years, built on shared experiences. It's a bond I can't replicate or replace. And I hate the pang of insecurity it gives me.

But why is Leon choosing now to share the story of how he became a guard? How he abandoned his dreams of being an artist to become her personal protector?

I know exactly why.

Annalise has declared her heart as mine, and Leon sees me as a direct threat.

I've always sensed something more in the way Leon looks at Annalise, but I didn't fully grasp the extent of his affection until now. Hearing how they grew up together, it's plainly obvious that what he harbours isn't just loyalty; it's love—a hidden love he's been too afraid to confess.

His timing, his sudden vulnerability, is strategic. He's sharing this to remind Annalise of their bond, hoping to sway her emotions towards him. It's a desperate attempt to stake his claim, to make her question the choice she's made in favour of me. 

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