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I'm suddenly shoved with startling force as Loki sends me tumbling backwards onto the plush sofa

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I'm suddenly shoved with startling force as Loki sends me tumbling backwards onto the plush sofa. The immediate sound of a violent scuffle reaches my ears, and I quickly roll over to confront the horrifying sight before me.

Loki and Leon are locked in a brutal confrontation, grappling and trading blows on the floor.

My heart races as I take in the scene, fear and disbelief gripping me. "Joben!" I cry out, hoping my voice carries down the corridors and reaches him.

I hear a little laugh from behind me, and to my surprise, I see Joben already present, watching the fight with a deeply unsettling expression of amusement on his face.

"Stop them!" I plead, but Joben merely regards me with a curious look.

"Why?" he responds calmly. "It seems to me the best way to deal with this heated exchange is to just let it happen. Let them blow off steam throwing punches. What's the worst that can happen? A few bruises, a couple of broken bones? My king is careful. He wouldn't dare burn—"

Joben's words are abruptly cut short by a piercing, agonised scream that sends a chill through me. Turning with dread, I witness Leon clutching his left arm, a vivid frost burn seared into his flesh. In his rage, Loki had partially transformed, using his Jotun skin to punish Leon.

Narrowing my eyes at Joben, I feel anger burning hot in my chest. "You could have prevented this!" I accuse, my voice heavy with contempt.

I madly scramble to get up, rushing to Leon's side and cradling his trembling form against me. "Just hold steady," I urge, trying to offer what comfort and reassurance I can as he thrashes about in unbearable pain, the intense frost burn bubbling his flesh making it too agonising for him to remain still.

My heart aches at the sight, and I silently berate myself for not finding a way to intervene sooner, to de-escalate the situation before it reached this horrific outcome. I look towards Loki with pleading eyes, silently begging him to take action and aid Leon.

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..." Loki stammers, fumbling up from the floor. He seems genuinely shocked and disturbed by having hurt Leon so badly. But to my dismay, he begins slowly retreating, his eyes fixed on Leon's blistered, swollen arm.

"Loki!" I wail, desperate for him to help, "please, help me!" But he is deaf to my words, unable to even look in my direction. Instead, he leaves the room, abandoning me to tend to the panicked Leon, whose wound shows no sign of improvement, new blisters forming by the second.

If not for Leon's excruciating moans filling the air, I'd be left utterly stunned, struck speechless by Loki's actions that have now thrust me to deal with this dire situation alone. But I can't remain idle—I have to find a way to help my guard.

"It's alright, Leon, I'm here. I'll take care of this, I promise." I keep my voice steady and reassuring as I assess the severity of his frostbitten injury. I shift my attention back to Joben, a command ready on my tongue. "Rush to Deedee, tell her to prepare a concoction for deep burns, and prep the sedative."

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