Make your choice

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"As I am your king, and you my treasured object, I will look after you

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"As I am your king, and you my treasured object, I will look after you. I will provide you with all the home comforts you are used to: your personal maid, an elven guard, and the freedom to wander around your quarters. But, should you leave this room without my permission, I will take that as disobedience, and you will be robbed of such luxury. Do you understand, Annalise? Do you understand that I am placing my trust in you?"

Tarryd and I, hover just outside the closed door of my chambers, his voice resolute and leaving no room for argument. I slowly nod in acknowledgment, avoiding his eyes, but Tarryd is quick to react, his swift hand grasping my chin and forcing me to look up at him.

"I want verbal communication, Annalise. It is uncouth for one of my women to respond to me with gestures. You are not mute, use your voice."

I clench my jaw, anger and unease twisting within me. "I understand," I whisper.

Tarryd's eyes narrow, and I can see he's displeased with my response. I quickly amend my answer, trying to appease him. "I understand, Tarryd,"

A sly smile forms on his lips, the triumph gleaming in his eyes at my obedience. "While I like that you corrected yourself by using my name, let's try adding formalities this time."

I furrow my brow, confused. "But you said we can dismiss titles..."

"Are you disobeying me, girl?" he snaps, the amusement in his eyes replaced by a glare of dominance. It's almost as if he had anticipated and even hoped for my reply.

I swallow hard, my throat still sore from Manfri's choking assault. "I understand, Prince Tarryd," I answer.

"No!" Tarryd yells, and I jolt at his sudden outburst. His hands shoot out, gripping me tightly. "Have you forgotten already? I am not just a prince, but a king! Your new ruler of Vannaheim."

The reminder of his delusion rages a storm inside me, but the ache radiating around my body from being so forcefully manhandled by Manfri and now Tarryd reminds me that I am in no shape to fight.

With a heavy heart, I concede, though I hate myself for being so submissive. "Forgive me. I have travelled long and far. Endured the rough hands of a roamer. I am simply tired, King Tarryd." My own words leave a bitter taste in my mouth as I address him as king.

Tarryd's face spreads into a grin, and I feel sickened by his obvious delight. "I'm so glad we don't have to resort to the hard way, Annalise. Your compliance is noted, and will not go unrewarded."

He releases me from his vice-like grip and twists the handle of my bedroom door, allowing it to slowly open.

His bony fingers find their way to my waist, urging me inside. He throws open the wardrobe doors, revealing my dresses, but huffs in displeasure as he sifts through. "Why are they all the dreary shade of black?" he asks, arching a brow.

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