The kiss

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As our lips remain locked, both of our eyes widen, though for different reasons

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As our lips remain locked, both of our eyes widen, though for different reasons. The Queen is taken aback by my unexpected action, while I am overwhelmed by the intense sensations that flood through me the very moment I cheekily slip my tongue into her mouth. I'm not just kissing her, I'm claiming ownership. Let's see how long it takes before her king appears, enraged that I hold his queen's mouth hostage.

Though I am not usually one to take advantage of a woman, in this case, I can't help but give in to my urge to taste her. But can anyone truly blame me? Opportunities to sample a forbidden queen is rare, if not once-in-a-lifetime. Slipping a little tongue in as her velvety lips mingle with mine is impossible to resist.

It's peculiar. Just moments ago, I was fighting to protect my tongue, and now I find myself willingly surrendering it to her.

But she may have it.

Not just this piece of me, but all of me.

She resists my advances, naturally. Fighting against the forced kiss that I am thoroughly enjoying. But I anticipated as much. She possesses a fierce spirit, an instinct to defend herself. Any gentleman would recoil upon feeling the weight of her balled fists. But not me. In this moment, I am no gentleman, but a savage. Offering her a glimpse of the Jotun beast others perceive me as. I refuse to relinquish the struggle easily, particularly since she chose to engage in this one-on-one confrontation.

I tighten my grip, exerting more control, and push her mouth harder against mine. Her hands continuously pound on my shoulders, gripping my hair so tightly that I fear patches of it may be pulled out before the kiss concludes. Yet, I remain undeterred in my forceful ways. This feeling that I am experiencing is worth it.

This intense kiss... is worth it.

Closing my eyes, I immerse myself in a vivid fantasy, where her resistance fades away. Now, each strike of her hand and tug of my hair is but a gentle breeze as we stand together on a breathtaking cliff, surrounded by a meadow of vibrant flowers. This romantic setting that I imagine becomes the backdrop for our shared first kiss, a moment filled with mutual desire and willingness.

However, the mental image of us, the serene scene that plays in my mind, is suddenly shattered when a searing pain surges through my body. Instinctively, I snap my eyes open, releasing my firm grip on the struggling queen. She tumbles to the floor, and I stare at her in shock, witnessing the blood staining her lips.

Concern fills me and I rush forward, dropping to my knees and assessing the extent of her injury. "Did I... Did I hurt you?" I stammer.

Frowning, she scoffs, her voice tinged with defiance. "Hurt me? Oh, how you wish!"

Her response leaves me perplexed, unsure of the meaning behind her words. But then I watch her wipe away the blood covering her lips and realise that it isn't her blood, but mine.

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