Are you lost, guard?

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As Joben readies the carriage, I find myself sticking close to Annalise, half afraid her willingness to visit Jotunheim might vanish if I don't keep her in my sights

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As Joben readies the carriage, I find myself sticking close to Annalise, half afraid her willingness to visit Jotunheim might vanish if I don't keep her in my sights.

Determined to make her visit memorable, I take the small bag from her hands and we walk side by side. There's a new ease in her demeanour around me since the revelation about her father came to light, as if a significant burden has been lifted.

I wonder why she hadn't spoken of this sooner. Why hadn't the realms been alerted to the death of a king? Such news typically spreads fast, with royals from all realms gathering to pay their respects.

Pondering it further, I realise that it has been over a month since my initial visit to Vannaheim, and still, the king has not been given a proper ascension, his body not yet lifted to the skies in a grand display.

I'm puzzled by it all, but I fear voicing it may cause Annalise to reconsider her readiness to go with me. I don't want to risk upsetting her now, not when our relationship seems to be evolving positively. I don't want to jeopardise my chances of winning her heart from her Kin...

I stop mid-thought, a sudden realisation engulfing me like a tidal wave. Why hadn't this glorious revelation absorbed into my mind sooner? Annalise is unwed, unbound to anyone. Her king is her father, not a husband. She has never been married.

I attribute my lapse to the shock of everything that has transpired—the heavy burden of my deceitful actions clouding my judgement, obscuring the clear picture from view.

A surge of hope rises within me, reshaping the possibilities in my mind. I don't have to vie for her heart against another man's claims. I can openly seek it, offer my own in return, and request her hand in marriage.


All I need to do is convince her that our union would be beneficial for our realms. By tapping into Annalise's love for her people, articulating it compellingly enough, she may overlook the fact that I am Jotun. The desire to see her realm flourish could sway her to consider my offer seriously.

Love has already taken root in my heart, striking me with an intensity I did not anticipate. But perhaps for Annalise, should I strive to be everything she wants in a spouse, the love for me could blossom in time, even after vows are exchanged.

A new determination settles within me. This is not just possible; it is a path laid clear. A path that doesn't look bleak but promising.

I CAN win a queen. I WILL make this happen.

"Annalise, don't forget to take this before bed," I hear Ivor speaking to Annalise from a distance, interrupting my blissful daydreams of our forthcoming wedding that would unite us in matrimony.

I glance to the side, and to my surprise, I notice an empty spot where Annalise stood just a moment ago. Somehow, in the midst of being lost in my own glorious thoughts, I had inadvertently fallen behind.

Lost Treasures - A Loki love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now