The note

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"How long does it take for a realm to search its vaults?" I ask impatiently, frustration evident in my voice

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"How long does it take for a realm to search its vaults?" I ask impatiently, frustration evident in my voice. "It's been a full week, and I grow weary of waiting. Is the vault of Vannaheim truly so vast that it takes this long to search?"

I turn my gaze to Joben, my trusted guard and ally, hoping for some answers. However, he simply shrugs his shoulders, his expression betraying his boredom with the topic. Determined to get a reply, I sit up in my chair and give him pleading eyes, silently begging for an answer.

He rolls his eyes at me and lets out a deep sigh of exasperation. "For an entire week, every moment has been filled with discussions about the Queen of Vannaheim," he grumbles. "While she may be captivating, I fear I'll die of sheer boredom if I have to listen to you describe the exact shade of her hair or the blue of her eyes—"

"Not just any shade of blue, Joben," I interject, irritated by his oversimplification of Annalise's appearance. "Her eyes are like sapphires, reminiscent of the deepest ocean that could drown even the most experienced sailors. Yet when you look into her eyes in bright sunlight, you see the—"

"Yes, yes, I know," he cuts me off, clearly annoyed. "You see the blue of every dancing sky revealed, I've heard it before."

Confusion washes over me as I glance his way. "I've mentioned this before?"

"Only every waking moment," he retorts sharply.

"Perhaps I should describe her lips instead?" I pause, about to launch into a description of her smile, however, Joben's sudden stand interrupts my train of thought, and I listen as he recites words that sound all too familiar.

"Her lips, a soft and kissable shade of rose. Her fiery hair, cascading in tussles past her ample bosom, glowing like an inviting sunset. Her creamy skin, a backdrop to that one beauty spot behind her ear, teasingly beckoning me..." He pauses and looks at me. "Do I need to go on?"

It dawns on me, maybe I am constantly talking about Annalise. Yet I cannot help it. She consumes my thoughts, her presence lingering in every corner of my mind. She, this captivating beauty whom I miss dearly.

"Shall I move on to describing the feel of her inner thighs next?" Joben asks, his words snapping me out of my reverie.

"Let's discuss another topic..."I say, feeling a tinge of embarrassment.

Joben's sigh of relief tells me he's glad to be off the subject of Annalise. He takes a seat beside me, moving the small table with the chessboard between us.

"I'll start first, and no magic, my king," he declares resolutely. "Any hint of green this time, and you forfeit!"

I offer him a sly grin, realising that he must have caught a glimpse of my mischievousness during our previous round. I'll make sure to be more careful and not reveal my trickery this time.

Joben makes the first move, and as the game progresses, it isn't long before my mind continues to wander to Annalise. I should have received a formal letter by now, stating she had found the orb, but as of yet, none has come. Is she ignoring me? Breaking our deal because she has been proven wrong? I can't wait much longer; the longing to see her again weighs heavily on my heart. When should I depart to retrieve her?

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