A closely guarded secret

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Days have passed, and Joben and I have spent countless hours tirelessly refining my plan

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Days have passed, and Joben and I have spent countless hours tirelessly refining my plan. It is a carefully crafted strategy aimed at concealing the truth. The truth that Jotunheim's allegation, which accused Vannaheim of hoarding the orb of fertility, was entirely wrong.

But why do I risk breaking a binding deal to hide it? Why not just spill the beans and admit my own realms error?

Throughout my conquests across lands, I have established a reputation as the relentless and merciless ruler of Jotunheim, striking fear into the hearts of all kings who exploited Jotunheim. I simply cannot afford to risk everything I have gained by admitting I am mistaken, that my council members failed to thoroughly investigate the vault before I launched a furious assault.

In truth, Vannaheim had committed no wrongdoing against Jotunheim. The gold they possessed is insignificant; it is the precious orb that holds true value. And now I've learned that they have indeed returned it to us. That we have had it all along.

Admittedly, I should have conducted more research into Vannaheim's history with Jotunheim before impulsively unleashing an army of frost giants upon them. But my mind, fuelled by the deceit of other realms, saw them all to be equally deceitful. I failed to grasp even the slightest possibility of a realm being decent.

I had no intention of burdening myself with unnecessary research since what was done was already in the past. However, after meeting Annalise, our magnetic interaction inspired me to explore the history of her realm more deeply. Yet, the results—or rather, the lack thereof—were astonishing.

Vannaheim, this highly fortified land of the Vanir, is akin to a perfectly kept secret. The king going to great lengths to conceal the inner workings that transpire behind his imposing Great Wall.

A closely guarded secret.

This secrecy piques my curiosity: Is the wall intended for defence, or is it designed to keep prying eyes at bay?

What could Vannaheim be hiding?

It appears that no one knows the answer, not even I, despite my extensive investigations. However, I may have a chance to unearth these mysteries when Annalise is forced to visit my land. This is yet another reason why my plan must succeed. Her revelations could finally ease my mind and halt my relentless quest for their concealed truths.

She might disclose the purpose behind the construction of the wall, the reasons for her king isolating his kingdom from others, and why the pages within the public history books remain blank when it comes to recording the Vanir births and marriages of all royals, including her own. The absence of her presence in official records is a peculiar mystery that I am eager to unravel.

Had I been aware of these enigmas earlier, I might have hesitated before so rashly entering her domain. Yet, I harbour no regrets. Without my impulsive journey to Vannaheim, I would never have met Queen Annalise. Perhaps it is destiny that I overlooked crucial details—fate orchestrated our meeting.

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