Love Lock

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After the exhilarating events of the maze and the snow fight, time seemed to fly by, greedily stealing away the precious moments Annalise and I spent together

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After the exhilarating events of the maze and the snow fight, time seemed to fly by, greedily stealing away the precious moments Annalise and I spent together.

Even though Annalise had agreed to stay a bit longer, I worried that if I were to simply close my eyes, I would wake to find her gone. It was a terrible feeling, one that could only be calmed by the touch of her hand.

So, wherever we ventured—be it within the palace, the gardens, or beyond—our fingers remained intertwined, her touch grounding me.

However, this simple gesture of keeping her hand in mine, also served a deeper purpose. It allowed my people to catch glimpses of their future queen, to see the genuine connection we share.

At first, I felt a twinge of nervousness about openly showing Annalise as more to me than just an ally. But that hesitation soon faded as I witnessed the reactions of my people.

Rather than disapproval, they looked on curiously, their expressions often blossoming into warm smiles as they witnessed our budding romance. 

To my immense delight, Annalise never exhibited the slightest discomfort with our public displays of affection. She was all smiles and sunshine, a perfect companion. Being around her brought me such happiness that it felt almost criminal to feel this good.

The feeling of possessing something forbidden occasionally led to dark and unsettling thoughts. A persistent fear lingered that this happiness was fleeting, and that something would eventually take it away. During those moments of unease, Annalise seemed to intuitively sense my turmoil, responding by pulling herself even closer, holding me tighter, as if she could physically shield me from the burden of my own doubts.

It was remarkable how this action instantly calmed the storm within me. But then, she does possess a power over me that goes beyond feeding my desires. She has the ability to make my soul soar. However, entrusting my heart to Annalise, while thrilling, also terrifies me. For she holds the power to nurture or destroy it.

It's a risk I've never before been willing to take, and though it leaves me feeling exposed and vulnerable, I embrace it.

Now, as Annalise and I move toward the flickering fireplace after sharing an evening meal together, I see the tiredness on her face, her eyes heavy with fatigue.

It's no surprise she's sleepy—the playful and energetic snow battle so soon after her recovery was probably too much, too soon. But I'm glad we did it, for that kiss we shared meant everything to me.

It was a silent declaration of the connection blossoming between us. Our intertwined tongues had conveyed what our words had not—that we meant something deeply to one another, even if we had not yet discussed the precise nature of what we want from one another.

Before she leaves for Vannaheim, I'll make it clear what I'm willing to offer if she chooses me as her life partner. Whether she desires an expansive dowry, or all the lands I own, I will gladly provide it. For she, as my queen, is worth more than any treasure I hold.

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