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"So today is the day, isn't it?" I inquire, my face etched with worry as I turn to Ivor

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"So today is the day, isn't it?" I inquire, my face etched with worry as I turn to Ivor.

"Yes, my queen. It is."

"And are you certain that no other letters have arrived? Ones that might shed light on why Loki is returning to my realm?" I ask, holding up the most recent letter, received just a few days ago.

It is notably different from the poetic one he had sent to me before. This one gives no details. It simply states that he'll be visiting on a specific date, which happens to be today.

"None have been received, my queen. And after the unfortunate incident of reading the last letter, I assure you, any future correspondence will be promptly ignored by me and handed over to you."

I resist the urge to snort a laugh at Ivor's discomfort and purse my lips. He deserves it for reading my letter without permission.

"Well then. Since his letter omits the reasons for his visit, I assume it's because he doesn't wish to leave written evidence of his mistake. The mistake that is the monumental error of accusing Vannaheim of harbouring the orb. Such a note could be used to shame him. Waved around in front of realm leaders to humiliate him. Not that I would stoop so low." I shoot Ivor a little smirk, "this should be a joyous occasion. He is personally coming to fulfil our binding agreement and bestow upon me my reward."

"The vault will be replenished with gold!"

I turn my gaze toward one of my high council members, known for his greed, and shoot him a glare.

"Who cares about gold, Parlo? The sacred root of his tree will enrich our soil immeasurably. I desire nothing else."

My words wipe the greedy smile from his face.

"The king tirelessly sought a piece of the root from other realms when we first lost our tree, to no avail. Yet you have accomplished it in a single meeting," Ivor remarks proudly.

"Well, let's not celebrate prematurely, Ivor. We must wait until it is firmly planted in our soil and see new shoots of life start to grow."

"Very true, dear Annalise," he replies solemnly.

"But it's undeniably exciting, isn't it?" I squeal, my face lighting up.

Ivor smiles warmly. "It most certainly is, my queen.

I steal a quick glance at the time, becoming acutely aware that the hour of Loki's arrival is rapidly approaching. With a deep breath, I smooth down the fabric of my black dress, trying to calm the waves of nervousness that wash over me. However, amidst my preparations, I catch Ivor eyeing my sombre outfit, a hint of sorrow flickering within his eyes.

"The time for grieving is long past, Annalise. Perhaps we can transition to wearing different colours now," he suggests gently. "It may cheer our people."

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