The Lirra Trees

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The journey to the Lirra trees under the cover of night turned out to be far smoother than anticipated

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The journey to the Lirra trees under the cover of night turned out to be far smoother than anticipated.

Loki, concerned for my safety, had secretly arranged for over a hundred guards to clear a direct path from the palace to the cluster of trees. He had orchestrated this operation seamlessly while we were engrossed in our hobby kit.

Constructing my first puzzle with him was an enlightening experience, one I thoroughly enjoyed. It was evident that Loki took pleasure in the process as well. Even before Joben joined us to provide expert guidance, Loki's face bore a constant smile whenever he glanced in my direction.

Now, as I hold the model we made with two careful hands, I approach the entrance of the Ancient Lirra trees with eager anticipation.

With one long look up, I gaze at them in awe. These trees, the largest bundle in existence, beckon me to step into their midst, to feel the texture of their bark beneath my fingertips and marvel at their ageless beauty.

A howling wind sweeps past me, and I inhale deeply, savouring the earthy scent of musky bark that's carried along with it. I listen, closing my eyes as I absorb the sound of rustling leaves that flow with life. I commit this sensory experience to memory, knowing it's a moment I'll cherish forever.

"Are you cold, Annalise?" Loki's sudden voice breaks the serene noise of the night, startling me.

Turning to face him, I offer a smile. "I am bubble wrapped in fur, my feet cocooned in pelt, and my hands smothered in wool. What cold are you referring to? I am perspiring."

"That's good. It's better to sweat than to freeze," he replies with a grin.

His comment makes me laugh, and while what he said is true - it is better to sweat than freeze - I can't stop my temptation to remove a layer of clothing. To experience the rough touch of the bark as I hug a tree close to my body, regardless of the biting chill that will accompany it.

With Loki leading us through the first row of trees, we forge ahead, our destination being the main tree - the one who gives life to the others, the heart of this divine grove.

"That's strange," Loki suddenly stops, and I worry when I see the frown on his face. "They are glowing..."

I chuckle, not understanding his comment. "They are Lirra, that is what they are supposed to do."

His frown persists. "Yes, but never this intensely. Usually it's more subtle."

"Perhaps the night is just darker, making it appear as though they are illuminating brighter," I suggest, trying to alleviate the obvious worry on his face.

"Perhaps," he muses, falling into step beside me as we continue forward.

As we progress, I take a closer look at the trees surrounding us, and Loki's observation becomes increasingly apparent. It's unmistakable now: the bark of each tree grows brighter as I draw nearer, confirming his concerns. It's an odd occurrence, and it's not merely a trick of the darker night sky. Despite the heavens adorned with twinkling stars and a luminous full moon, every tree radiates a brilliance far brighter.

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