The maze

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"Wow, these ice sculptures are truly a work of art!" I exclaim, gazing in wonder at the intricate frozen creations adorning the Jotun palace grounds

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"Wow, these ice sculptures are truly a work of art!" I exclaim, gazing in wonder at the intricate frozen creations adorning the Jotun palace grounds.

"Believe it or not, we Jotun's are quite the artists," Loki muses, tugging gently on my hand and leading me forward. "Come, I want to show you my flower garden."

I raise a quizzical brow. "Flowers? What could possibly grow in this snowy realm?"

Loki simply grins, picking up his pace as he guides me around the side of the palace, passing an ornate fountain before coming to a halt.

"Behold," he announces, eyes sparkling with excitement.

I glance around, taking in the bed of snow dotted with icy, protruding spikes. "Ice flowers?" I question. This was not at all what I had imagined when he said flowers. These resemble icicles, frozen stems without actual flower buds. I force a smile and try to sound impressed. "They're... um, lovely."

He chuckles softly, then moves towards the frozen protrusions. "Where there is a desire to live, a will is born. And even in the most barren of grounds, life will find a way."

He places his large hand over the tip of one of the icy spikes. After a few seconds, he removes his hand to reveal a vibrant purple bloom, its delicate petals unfurling as the lingering warmth of his touch melts the ice. "No matter how frozen something may seem, a little warmth can bring out its true colours."

I nod in understanding, realising his words hold a deeper meaning, maybe alluding to the layers that lie beneath his own icy exterior. "Thawing the surface to reach the beauty within..." I murmur, captivated by the display.

"Exactly, Min Karlek," Loki says softly, suddenly appearing at my side. "My mother used to say, there is something special inside everyone. It's up to you to shape it and make it great when it emerges."

"Something special in everyone?" I question. "What if one finds themselves nothing but ordinary?" I ask.

There was a time when I truly believed I had a special spark, a unique quality that set me apart, only to be disappointed when my abilities never progressed beyond a simple light switch trick. If I did once have something special, it's been eaten away by my grief long ago.

"Oh, Annalise, you are more special than you know."

It's as though he can see something within me that I cannot. It's difficult to doubt him when he speaks with such sincerity.

"You'll see," he says cryptically, a gentle smile creasing the corners of his eyes. The promise in his voice stirs a flicker of hope within me. Maybe I am special. To him at least.

"How do you do that?" I ask, puzzled by his ability to make me forget my woes, to feel genuinely content.

Loki's brows raise slightly. "Do what?" he inquires.

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