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Weeks had passed since that incident, days in which Lissa had been nothing but confused as to what she saw. A part of her wondered if the figure that she saw had been there originally, when the crash happened but every time she tried to remember, it hurt.

Lissa had begun to attend school, human school and while she was wildly unprepared for the day system, she adapted to the classes soon enough, most of the things that the teachers were covering, she'd learned the basics off, and with a little studying at home, Lissa was able to keep herself up to date with every course.

Kate had also taken Lissa shopping for what she needed, and despite wanting to use compulsion to buy everything, Lissa was thankful that she had her family's credit card. She avoided buying things she did not utterly need, but a phone and a computer were needed for day-to-day life in the human world.

George had come by the apartment for a small catch-up and met Lissa, before giving her some sleeping meds prescription, and telling her that the meds would help her sleep without any nightmares, or with minimal nightmares.

Lissa had also been thrown for a loop when Kate would be nice and helpful one day, only to give her the cold shoulder and barely utter two words in her direction. She wondered if the problem was because she was used to being surrounded by people, even if she didn't truly like the company of the people.

"You aren't going crazy, Kate is playing hot potato with you."Jeremy would often have to soothe Lissa's non-verbal worries, "She's testing if you are worth opening up to." Lissa would look at Jeremy with uncertainty which would make him remark "Don't worry, her bite is much worse than her bark, and if need be, George taught us how to clean a wound."

Despite Kate's ever-changing attitude, she calmed down when Lissa began to grow quiet and become even more of a recluse.

It was a Friday afternoon, in early February, when the two girls arrived at the apartment complex, Lissa following after Kate with a slow pace that contrasted her usual rushed one, which Kate had noticed was due to her desire to be inside the apartment before sun fully set.

Kate stopped mid-step, the sun still shining over the buildings, but the orange hues in the sky indicated that it was starting to set early. And because Lissa had been so lost in her mind, she crashed into Kate's back.

"Wha-?" Lissa questioned confused as she lifted her head to look at Kate, her pale and model-like features contorting into ones that displayed her confusion.

"What are your religious beliefs?" Kate asked, turning to face Lissa, their eyes nearly locking.

"I- I was baptized, why?" Lissa replied, confused and stepping back from Kate. Her jade eyes watched as Kate nodded and reached for Lissa's wrist, pulling her in the opposite direction of their building, and back toward the road.

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