2. An even more chaotic meeting.

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"Good morning Your Grace," Clorinde naturally greeted Wriothesley as he stepped out the elevator.

"Cut the crap. You and I both know that it is not a good morning, am I late?"

"Only about 5 minutes, are you prepared for the meeting?"

"What do you think." He asked, tone filled with sarcasm as he pinched the bridge between his eyes, heading up to his office as Clorinde followed suit behind him.

He opened the door, the sight of two others sat in chairs opposite his desk greeted him. They turned around to get a look at the two who had entered, their eyes following His Grace as he sat down behind his desk, facing both of them, Clorinde remained by the door.

"Eric, Kara, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He gave an obnoxiously insincere smile towards the two, knowing that nothing good ever came for when these two paid visits. They usually carried new from any higher ups.

"Your Grace, I believe you already have some idea of what we're here for" The woman on the left, Kara, stated.

Wriothesley wasn't officially titled in society as His Grace. However, to his coworkers in the organization, that was his identity. Nobody was permitted to know anyone's true names of anyone for fear of a breach, they weren't permitted to know anything at that. However, this rule only applied to people who we're frequently given mission or out on the field. Eric and Kara we're simply messengers, and Clorinde was more on the paperwork side of the board.

Any information traded was the recipients own demise. The reason Wriothesley had acquired the title of "His Grace", was through not only his high status as an agent, but his first mission where he had to go to a political party disguised as a duke, and the name simply stuck.

He sighed internally.

"What do they want me to achieve this time."

"That's the spirit, Your Grace," Eric smiled before continuing to speak.

"Recently, there has been a new law firm that has come to power in our society, they came to power quickly, too quickly, and their employees have never lost a single court case. Does the name Sovereign Law Firm ring any bells?" He asked Wriothesley,

"Mn, I believe I saw an article or so about it whilst passing, they have quite diligent workers, as well as good intel sources and income, why do the higher ups suspect them?" He responded.

"The CEO of this Law Firm does not make social appearances, instead, they get a woman called Furina to make the appearances for themselves. Many don't pay attention to it, and if they themselves made the appearances, then no one would arise any suspicions, but the situation was too sketchy for people to ignore." Kara explained to him.

"What exactly do they want me for? Get inside the CEO's office? Find a name?" Wriothesely half mindedly said, spinning his pen between his fingers.

"They want you to go work there." Eric stated bluntly.


They wanted him to do what now!?

Wriothesley had been on some crazy assignments before.

But he couldn't be a lawyer to save his life!!

If someone held a gun up against his head and said to him "Let's debate, if you win I'll let you go." Wriothesley would be gone.




"I think the higher ups overestimate my ability."

"Worry not Your Grace, you would not actually attend any cases or trials, you'd simply secure one of the lower jobs, hell, even being a janitor or receptionist would do." Kara reasurred him, sliding him over a fake CV and ID cards, driving licence, passports, etcetera. Along with a file that explained the assignment in detail.

"Do I have a say in whether I do this or not? He questioned, dreading the answer.

"I'm afraid not." She replied with a pityful smile.

"Alright, thank you for your information, you're both dismissed." He waved his hand, signalling for them to both get up and leave, to which they did after exchanging simple farewells.

"Your Grace, did you need anything before I go?" Clorinde asked, holding the door slightly open.

"No thank you Clorinde, I'll be alright," He didn't even have time to lift his eyes to look at her as he talked, reading over the files and taking a sip of the tea that he had brewed earlier. Hearing the soft close of his office door.

He glanced at the clock.


That meeting went quicker than he expected, perhaps he'll actually be able to get work done and finished today.

However, this case had interested him. More specifically, the CEO of this new prominent law firm. Why didn't they make an appearance? Are they a criminal? Do they have connections? Bad or good reputation?

Many more questions were born and circled round Wriothesley's mind as he read his file given to him, instructing as so:

Your mission is to subtly infiltrate the Sovereign Law Firm and gather information and Intel on the employees, as well as the CEO themselves.

You will be hired as a simple worker to do tasks here and there for the employees of the Law Firm.

There is no following information on this mission, not optional.

Your mission begins on the 7th of January, 8:00 am, where you will go to the Law firm for your interview.

Best of Luck.

Great! He was an errand boy for a bunch of stuck up lawyers, what fun.

God he might just end it. How humiliating does his job have to be!?

First he had to put a corset and red tube dress on for a... very... specific type of assignment.

That's not even the worst of some of the things he's done for this stupid job! For the Lord's sake.

Wriothesley sighed in an attempt to calm himself down, putting the file to the side as he began working on any other reports he had been given, he also had 2 straight days to research any fellow 'coworker's of his, making allies and acquaintances has never hurt at all, as long as he made sure he had the upper hand in terms of knowledge on the other.

Plus, in a type of mission where you have to gain access and trust, being social is the way to go, keep secrets, be approachable.

That's how he was trained for many years.

He looked at the clock again, now reading 9:30.

Hm, if he kept going at this pace he might actually be on time to pick Sigewinne up from school himself instead of asking her to go to the after school reading club in order to pass time while she waited. He wouldn't be surprised if she had read every book in the library by now with how many times it's happened.

He wasn't complaining about it, all it did was expand her knowledge on the world, nature, science and the like. As well as helping imagination if reading fiction.

He was truly blessed to have a daughter so understanding and grateful as her, sometimes when he was injured and wasn't able to be out on missions, they didn't exactly get a decent pay, but Sigewinne was always understanding and never complained.

Hm, perhaps he should take her to a nice place as a thank you, he was getting paid soon and he had done many things this past month.

Yeah, he'll do that.

𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝐼𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢... Where stories live. Discover now