4. Tea compliments Water.

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Wriothesley opened the door for Neuvillette and Sigewinne, the latter immediately jumped on the couch, practically passing out.

He locked the door behind them, leading him to the kitchen.

"Make yourself at home, it's not much, but it's gotten Sigewinne and I through some times. Would you like any tea or coffee?" He offered.

Neuvillette took a seat on one of the higher stools surrounding the island counter in the middle of the kitchen.

"Just water please, it's a preference." He responded.

"Water, got it, any food?"

"I'm alright, thank you."

Wriothesley nodded, pouring Neuvillette a cold glass of water and placing it on a coaster in front of him, who nodded as thanks. Then proceeded to brew some tea for himself. Sitting opposite Neuvillette while he waited.

"So, what type of these 'side jobs' do you do?" Neuvillette asked, usually that question would be in a judging tone of Wriothesely received it, but he could tell that Neuvillette was genuinely curious.

"It really depends on the income, I've done all sorts, delivery, messengers, errands, some cleaning jobs. Sometimes if I don't get enough income with my main job I need something on the side, I've got a few qualifications, so it helps." He happily answered him, plus, it wasn't exactly a lie, he had gone on various missions that includes these titles, as well as his current one of running errands.

That reminded Wriothesley


He still had to research Sovereign Law Firm.

His face had obviously given him away, because Neuvillette sort of mirrorred his expression,

"Wriothesely? Is everything okay? You seemed to go slightly less energetic." He observed.

"Ah, no no don't worry, I just reminded myself of something I actually need to do for my work, nothing to concern yourself about." Wriothesley reassured him with a smile.

Neuvillette seemed to buy it, and smiled along with him, nodding his head.

"So, are you currently looking for a job of this sort?" He continued the conversation.

Wriothesley was about to answer no, but his most recent mission came to mind, and he thought that he might as well start acting the part now and get into it more, it's always easier that way.

"Yes actually, just an assistant of some sorts I suppose, I believe I'm going for an interview soon for one." He answered happily.

"Really? Where would that be?" Neuvillette's curiosity seemed to be piqued.

"Sovereign Law Firm, my employer booked me an interview to help me out, he does that sometimes."


"Uh... Neuvillette...?"

"Ah! Yes, my apologies, I seem to have spaced out then."

"It's quite alright, is everything okay?"

"Yes, thank you, I just thought it was quite a coincidence, some of my acquaintances actually work at that Law Firm."

"That is a coincidence, you must have some good connections."

"Mn, I get by."

He smiled, and for a second Wriothesley thought that he was going to go into Cardiac Arrest. His composure completely faltered for a split second, this smile was different to the polite one he gave Wriothesley as a courtesy. This one seemed to be a genuine, bright smile.

𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝐼𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢... Where stories live. Discover now