12. For another time.

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"What are they of?" Wriothesley asked quite normally as if he didn't have to utterly reboot himself after Neuvillette shocked his soul out of him.

"You're really interested?" Neuvillette responded with some surprise.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Wriothesley said.

"Well.. Whenever people have found out in the past that I have tattoos, they're not too fond of the fact.." He replied with an uncomfortable smile.

"Geez, Neuvillette what people do you surround yourself with?" Wriothesley inquired, quite annoyed at the fact people looked down on what others decided to do with their own bodies.

"Uh... just.. normal people?" He wasn't too sure on how to answer.

"No no don't worry, yes I am interested, would you mind telling me?" Wriothesley changed his expression to a more suited warm smile,

Neuvillette suddenly felt at ease around Wriothesley, he really didn't like revealing his tattoos. He'd always been told that it was a reckless and horrid decision of his with one, and the other.. he'd rather not relay how he earned that one. The only fact that he even told Wriothesley is because he wanted to know if he held the same opinion everyone he had spoken to about them had.

And to his surprise, yet happiness, he didn't. He even let Sigewinne stick temporary ones on him, it made Neuvillette think even more so how great of a Dad he was to her. That smile too, that smile of his seemed to clear any troubles or bad experiences away for Neuvillette.

Hang on.

What was he thinking!?

Neuvillette exhaled, (to Wriothesley's confusion, who inquired about the sudden sigh)

"If it's personal or has some meaning to it, you don't have to share, it's completely alright-" He told Neuvillette.

"No it's alright, sorry, don't mind that. I'd be more than happy to tell you about the one on my arm? The one on my back however.. I'd rather leave that for another time." Neuvillette reasoned with him.

"That sounds perfect!" Wriothesley agreed energetically, listening like a child being told a bedtime story.

Neuvillette rolled up his sleeve slightly, halfway up his bicep.

Wriothesley had to do a double take at the sight.

'Does he work out!? What!? I didn't take him as the type..' Was his first thought after seeing the well toned upper arm with a dark blue tattoo plastered onto it. Although he couldn't make out what it was.

"What is it?" He asked, completely masking his surprise at the state of Neuvillettes arms.

"It's a leviathan, a creature of the sea. I got it to symbolize it's strength and connection to the water. When I was younger, I always lived near a body of water. Either the ocean, or a lake, so it's always been a part of my life. That's why I decided to get this creature tattooed on my arm." Neuvillette explained, looking down at his tattoo recalling fonder memories of his childhood.

Wriothesley smiled, sighing quite loudly.

"Wriothesley? Everything alright?" Neuvillette asked,

"I lied to you Neuvillette,"

"You lied to me? About what?"

"About not having tattoos."

"Oh! So you do have some?"

"I have about several..." Wriothesley admitted nervously.

"Really? Where?" Neuvillette failed to hide his interest.

"The two main ones are here." He pointed to the left side of his waist. "And here" He then pointed to the back of his right shoulder. "I have a few others scattered around my body, but they're not all that meaningful." He admitted.

"Wow, I see, what are those two of?" Neuvillette was still as intrigued as ever, rolling his sleeve back down.

Wriothesley pulled his shirt up slightly, revealing half of his stomach and side, which were well defined, but covered in scars.. Neuvillette got slightly concerned for a second, then realising he had them all over his hands too, even one on the side of his neck.

'I won't ask, they'll probably bring back some unpleasant memories' He reasoned, before his eyes landed onto a tattoo of a wolf with what looked like two side profiled wolves behind the main one.


"Yep, back during my late years of high school I used to be called something like a wolf due to how many sports events I would win." He confirmed.

This however, was a complete and utter lie. Wriothesley got his tattoo from his job, he was called the Wolf of the agency. Derived from his personality and abilities, but he wasn't just going to tell Neuvillette that now was he.

"How interesting, I can see how you resemble a wolf now that you mention it." Neuvillette agreed, seemingly thinking about the shared characteristics the two had.

"Is that a compliment...?" Wriothesley asked slightly jokingly.

"I would say so, yes, Wolves are very intelligent animals." Neuvillette nodded.

"Then thank you very much."

Neuvillette smiled, before asking another question. "What about the one on the back of your shoulder?"

Wriothesley freezer ever so slightly, although not enough for Neuvillette to notice. Trying to think of an excuse on the spot.

The thing is, he got that one due to a mission he was put on, one of his very first, and it was a half tattoo. It was a giant scar that had been outlined with the pain of the ink as a remembrance of that pain he felt.

So he wouldn't forget about it.

So he would know not to mess up.

Wriothesley put on his usual carefree expression again. Smiling.

"I'm afraid that one is also for another time. My dear Neuvillette."


Sorry about the late update, I've got an exam in two days so I decided to focus on that for now, and now I've done all the studying needed, I was able to write this chapter!

So again, I apologize for the late update and thank you to everyone who has been so patient! Love ya x

A/N regarding the series however...

What do we think Neuvillettes other tattoo is🫢🫢

Also yes I did give them both their in game constellations as a tattoo. Not a word.

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