15. Hide and Seek.

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A hand over his mouth.

To stop himself breathing any louder than necessary.

His knees curled up to his chest.

So he could fit inside the small, cramped hiding space.

His ears were practically red with blood due to how harshly he was trying to listen out for sounds of movement near him.

And despite a more innocent game of Hide and Seek happening somewhere about half an hour away, this one was far more intense.

His body Guards were dead.

He had a fatal wound through his stomach.

The only thing that could save him is getting someone's attention from outside.

"I'll ask again, Sir, where are the files in connection to him?"

The voice of the man that was hunting him had no empathy whatsoever, you could only hear coldness and breath.

"Listen, Mr Wright, I'll make it a whole lot easier for you if you just tell me." Anyone listening would know who was prey and predator in this situation, Wriothesley smirked, noticing a cracked open cupboard that was definitely big enough to fit a certain arms dealer.

The man inside the cupboard was shaking, beads of sweat obscuring his vision and making the hair on the back of his neck stick down. It was a horrific sensation, it was so oppressive and suffocating that he was tempted to run out and plead for him to make it quick.

He couldn't understand... How could someone this irrelevant to him be so intimidating!? He had never seen this man in his life, so why did he feel like he could squish him like a bug whoever this stranger pleased?

He had to keep quiet.

He had to survive.

Get out.

Call someone.

And then he'd come for this man's family, if he has heart enough to have one.

And he'll kil-

The footsteps had stopped.

Was he gone?

Was it safe?

Mr Wright let out a breath.

A mistake.




"Ah! Sigewinne, you scared me.." Neuvillette feighned being scared for the girls amusement, but it didn't seem to work.

"Oh please, you didn't look scared at all! But that doesn't matter, I found youuuuu!" She grinned.

Neuvillette only now realized what that meant.

"Sigewinne, dear, please can we talk this out some more...?" He said, backing up..

"Oh no you don't! You said that if I found you in a game of Hide and Seek before t minutes are up you'd let me dress you up, it took me 4 minutes and 20 seconds to find you, therefore I get to." She stated proudly, grabbing his wrist and pulling him over to a chair, despite her size, she was quite strong when stubborn.

"What have I done to deserve this..." Neuvillette mumbled to himself as he was sat down in the chair with his hair clipped up behind his ears.

"Now hold still-"


"Now hold still-"

"-we wouldn't wanna mess up your new tattoo, would we?"

Mr Wright had never shaken his head quicker in his life, he already had rope burn around his wrists and ankles, with the numerous cuts, and immense blood loss he was facing, the pain of a tattoo gun on his forehead would be enough to kill him.

"I said hold still, honestly.."


"Good Sirs, I regret to inform you but your time in this booth for your meeting has run out, please promptly make your way outside." A voice came from outside the door.

"Well that's inconvenient," Wriothesley sighed. "It's fine, by the time they break that door down you would have died from blood loss, thanks for the files!" He motioned cheerfully to the SD card held between his two fingers before walking out onto the balcony as if nothing had happened.

Wriothesley jumped off, it was too high but the scream from the room he had just left put him off balance, and he managed to land badly on his left ankle, most likely twisting it in the process.

"Shit, shit, shit." He inwardly cursed, limping over to his car, mentally blocking out the screams that got quieter the further he walked away. Pulling out the keys and getting in, he started the engine and took his earring out.

"Clorinde, I've finished the assignment."

"Great! I'll tell the higher ups,"

"I don't want to be put on another one of those for at least the next 2 months, you hear me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be sure to pass on a message to our ever-so-understanding boss."

"Just use my main mission as an excuse or something will you? It's a pain to do physical missions when I'm already mentally drained because of how much I need to read up on law." Wriothesley complained through the comms.

"Alright fine, stop being a crybaby about it. You're behind schedule, it's already been 2 hours." She reminded him of Sigewinne and Neuvillette at home.

"Goddammit, alright, talk later." He crushed his earring and threw it out the car window.

"Sigewinne is gonna kill me," He thought back to the one time he came back with a pretty shallow wound on his forearm, he passed it off as catching it on an old fence or something of the like.. but how is he gonna explain the ankle?

It was clearly sprained and he could feel it swelling up as he drove, which was insanely painful gathering the fact that he had to move them for the pedals.

He'll come up with something on the way, oh, he should also probably stop and buy Neuvillette something as a thank you, he owed him big time.

Also as an apology.

Wriothesley knows he has a bad habit of putting things onto others, but it was surprising that he trusted Neuvillette enough to look after Sigewinne, even if he was in a daze.

"I'm sure they're just watching TV or something, low maintenance, as long as she's being supervised. He doesn't need to and won't do anything special with her."

Boy was he wrong.

Here are the chapters I promised you guys! Chapter 14, 15, 16, I hope they were worth the wait.

On that note, I was meant to get this out a few days ago, maybe last Friday, but then I came down with an illness and was bedridden for a few days so I didn't get to write... But nevertheless I hope these are alright!

A/N from me, did you like the split similarity scenes in this chapter? 😘

𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝐼𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢... Where stories live. Discover now