13. A Dilemma.

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Shit shit shit shit.

Why had he been given another mission? He already had one that filled up his entire schedule! Why had anyone in their right mind recommended HIM for this one!?

What did he do to deserve this!?

It had only been around 3 days since he got the phone call from Sovereign Law Firm informing him that he'd been accepted for the position, and now the higher ups were giving him more work in his plate.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Wriothesely would rather choke on a stick!

It's not even like it was some lower class job that could be over and done within an hour or so, oh no no no. This was combat.

The report he received by email this morning told him that one of their stations down South of the city had been infiltrated by 5 rogue members of the organization, these people had either left on their own accord due to being unhappy with the job, it was too much for them, or they were kicked out for some reason or other.

Either way, they wanted to seek out some sort of revenge for 'how they were treated'.

They were treated just fine!! Wriothesley had known 90% of the group, and they had been just fine while they were working with him, the stress must have gotten to them.

Well.. this job isn't for everybody. That's for sure. The amount of people that Wriothesley has seen come in and go out worse is exceeding double digits, and now look who has to deal with the consequences of that, hm?


Why can't the higher ups just clean their own messes, this has nothing to do with me!

Despite all these pissed off thoughts going through his head, he had no choice but to continue packing his combat gear, even though he was cursing out the very thing he was about to complete a mission for. He didn't exactly have much choice. Wriothesley looked at the address of the breach again, it was about a 30 minute drive.

That's 30 minutes going, maximum an hour dealing with the issue, 30 minutes coming back.

2 hours.

He can't leave Sigewinne alone for that long, and hell could freeze over before he decided to bring her on one of these missions.

Clorinde was busy, as was anyone else he could trust his daughter around.

Now this was indeed a dilemma.


Wasn't Neuvillette supposed to be coming round today?

Oh my goodness.

Wriothesley had never been so grateful to hear a doorbell ring.

"Coming!!" He shouted from upstairs, travelling down and opening the door for him, greeting a waiting Neuvillette.

"Hello Wriot-"

"Neuvillette hello. I'm really sorry but do you think you could take care of Sigewinne for the next two hours or so? If she gets annoyed just play with her or switch on the TV, nothing over PG 13 and there are some pre-made snacks in the fridge to give to her, I shouldn't be gone long. Thank you Bye!"

And with that, Wriothesley was gone.

While Neuvillette, on the other hand, stood there, holding the house keys which had been shoved into his unexpecting hands and trying to process all of the information he had just received.

It's a damn good thing he wasn't busy today, otherwise who knows what would have happened. Of course he would babysit, Sigewinne was quite the behaved child after all, but he wondered what got Wriothesley in such a rush...

No matter, it was probably none of his business. He locked the door and found Sigewinne colouring in on the living room floor with some music on in the background. She turned around to look at Neuvillette.

"Huh? Where's Dad?" She asked,

"About that, your Father has left me in charge of you for the next.. 2 hours? I think he said?" Neuvillette thought back.

"Did he by chance open the door, tell you that information, and leave?" She interrogated Neuvillette with a deadass face.

"Uh.. Yes,"

"Yeah he has a tendency to do that when something comes up last minute, sorry."

Ah, so he's done this before. Neuvillette made a mental note to give Wriothesley a small scolding for this bad habit of his then, meanwhile, he didn't mine taking care of Sigewinne.

"So mister, what do you think of my dad?" Sigewinne sat up, motioning for him to sit in front of her.

Neuvillette did as asked and sat crossed legged in front of her, "I believe from what little I know of him, that he is a good man, why do you ask?"

"Hm, no reason..." Sigewinne said, looking extremely suspicious.

"What are you plotting, Sigewinne."


"Don't lie to my face."




"What have you got planned."

"I said nothing!!"

"Sure, sure."


"Really nothing?"

"Uh, well,"

"I knew it!"

"No! You can't know! I'm not telling you, dad, or anyone!!"

"Alright then."

Sigewinne looked confused.

"You're just going to stop there...?"

"Why wouldn't I? You are not wishing to tell, therefore I won't pry." Neuvillette answered.

Sigewinne didn't trust it. "Hmmmmmmmm......"

"What?" He said innocently.

"I don't trust you mister, but if you say so.."

Neuvillette smiled, "So Sigewinne, what would you like to do?"

"I wanna play princesses!!!" She beamed at the question.

"That sounds fun, do you like dressing up? I'm actually quite good at hairstyles-"

"Oh no mister, you misunderstood..

You're gonna be the princess."

Neuvillette then realized that he had made a dreadful mistake that he couldn't back out of.

𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝐼𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢... Where stories live. Discover now