17. First day.

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Like hell Wriothesley was gonna stay off his first day on the job, especially with the importance of his ulterior motives working there. He couldn't afford to miss any unnecessary days, although he promised Neuvillette that he would do his best to call in sick, what he doesn't know can't hurt him... right?

He had just dropped Sigewinne off at school as per their usual morning routine, although instead of how it usually went, him going to his own office, he turned around and started driving to the law firm.

Once Wriothesley had parked, he went up to the main desk and was instructed by the same lady from before to take the elevator up to the third floor, where he would be running his first few errands by one of the top lawyers.

He pressed the third button and waited for the doors to open once ascending, recalling the directions.

'Second door to my left.. Aha! Alhaitham. This is the one.' Wriothesley confirmed to himself before knocking on the office door.

"Enter," a monotone voice came from the other side of the door.

Wriothesley opened the door and closed it behind him, nodding as greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sir," He started off, his eyes landing on the lawyer behind his desk, cleaning his glasses.

"The same goes to you, and just call my Alhaitham, I don't care for formalities from coworkers."

"Then it's a pleasure to meet you Alhaitham, the names Wriothesley, I assume you know why I'm here?"

"You're the one that wanted to run errands around here, right?" Alhaitham questioned.

"Mn, that's correct," Wriothesley confirmed.

"In that case, there's a printer round the corner, could you grab the papers from there and run them to the office directly above this one?" He requested.

"Of course, is there a certain name that should be on the correct door?"

"A Ms Furina,"

"Ah, alright, thank you, I'll get that done." Wriothesley smiled and exited, gently closing the door behind him, inwardly groaning.

He had to interact with Furina again? From what he could tell by actually meeting her, not just from his research, she wasn't the nicest person to converse with, but whatever, he had to get it over with.

He quickly grabbed the correct papers and forms that had been recently printed and took the stairs up to the next floor, easily finding the corresponding office above Alhaithams.

Wriothesley was just about to knock before the door opened directly in front of him, and he brought his closed fist down from in front of Furina's face.

Her face contorted upon seeing him, "You again?"

'What the hell did she mean HIM again, did she not hire HIM?'

"Aha, yes, Ms Furina, I have papers from Alhaitham for you." He concealed his inner torment here and handed her the papers.

"Oh I see, yeah I've been waiting on those, thanks wolf guy." She said half mindedly, not paying him any more attention as she took the papers and walked past Wriothesley nonchalantly.

If she had turned around, she would have seen Wriothesley's eye twitching like he had just escaped a mental asylum, that woman was really starting to piss him off.

And seriously, wolf guy. Wolf Guy!? What sort of a name was that? Sure, Sigewinne's pointed out his hair a few times and how it's akin to ears of sorts, but it was barely noticeable! He couldn't help it either, anytime he tried flattening them it was never effective.

His thoughts got interrupted as he noticed a red light on the ceiling in his peripheral vision, turning his head to look up at the security camera that caught his eye. Of course a place as prestigious as this would even have security measures inside with trusted staff, it was a bit ironic actually, that a 'spy' was directly in front of said security measure and no alarms, whether be mental or physical, had gone off.

Wriothesley shrugged any bother he had off and returned back to Alhaithams office to inform him that he'd finished his first task, unbeknownst to him, a CEO was currently furious with him.

Neuvillette was watching one of the monitors in his office, that had the live footage of all security cameras, and seeing that Wriothesley, in fact, HAD come into work definitely bugged him to some extent.

He had recalled telling Wriothesley specifically not to go to work today due to his ankle, and what did this man go and do!? Go in to work. The annoying thing was, if Neuvillette didn't know that he was injured, he never would have guessed.

Wriothesley was walking completely normally, better than normally actually... one could call it, confidently? It was as if he'd never been hurt in his life once, and it bothered Neuvillette greatly. Hiding a sprain as bad as that would not end well.

One of the worst factors of the situation was that he couldn't even tell Wriothesley off for it, otherwise how would he come up with an excuse as to how he knew Wriothesley had gone into work that day? He supposed he could blame Sigewinne for letting it slip... but he'd feel a horrible guilt for blaming a child despite her not doing anything.

There was always the possibility of him using the excuse of his 'acquaintance' that happens to work at the law firm, but that would definitely arouse suspicions of sorts.

Neuvillette sighed as he closed a folder on a case he had just finished defending. There was nothing to be changed now, Wriothesley was already there and working, plus, he supposed it would've made a terrible impression not appearing to a new job on the first day. Neuvillette probably seemed inconsiderate about that yesterday, he should apologize.

He'll go round with a small gift as an apology to Wriothesley later, but this trip was mainly to see how Sigewinne's studies were going, if she needed any more help.

100% for that reason only.

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