9. Unintentional spoiling.

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Neuvillette tapped his fingers in a rhythmic pattern on his wooden desk as he lost himself deep in his thoughts. Resting his chin on his other hand, mindlessly staring at one singular spot in the room that held no importance whatsoever. It didn't particularly matter what he was staring at, his eyes paid no attention to it whatsoever, nor did his thoughts.

His thoughts were... elsewhere.


How dare Furina blame him for such indecent acts!?

Seriously, asking about it is one unnecessary act.

But teasing him about it??


There was no need for it whatsoever, must she be that curious about his own decisions? He has free will after all. He can do what he likes.

Plus, he wasn't even that fond of him, Neuvillette simply pitied his situation in between jobs and having to support a child.

Anyone would help someone in that situation out! It's human decency!

Human decency he says!!

Well, he seemed relatively stable, and if he was going to be accepted here anyway it seemed he had quite a reasonably good CV. Wriothesley perhaps didn't need help.. at all.


Neuvillette thought over his thoughts.

Wriothesley was going to be accepted anyway.

He was going to be hired regardless.

Goodness!! So what did he go to the stress for!?

Wait wait wait wait. Why was he stressing anyway?

Hang on what.

Neuvillette suddenly came to a realization.

He had been unknowingly facing a small amount of stress whether Wriothesley would be hired or not, even though he could control the outcome...

To him, this made absolutely no sense. Why was he so nervous whether a stranger he only met a few days ago would be good enough to work for his company? To work for him?

Sure, if Wriothesley passed regardless it came as a relief of sorts and it was good news, but it shouldn't mean a difference to Neuvillette if he didn't get hired. It's not like they had known each other for long and this factor suddenly sealed something.

Neuvillette couldn't even use the reasoning of the fact that it would 'help make them closer', as he was too occupied with his daily tasks to converse with anyone other than Furina or some other higher ups. As well as the fact he didn't allow anyone he deemed untrustworthy to know his identity either.

It's not like he'd just admit to Wriothesley who he was after blatantly lying to his face about his occupation, how humiliating would that be!!

Neuvillette was at a complete loss, planting his face harshly into both of his palms, feeling the unnecessary heat of embarrassment rush through his head. Although, this was immediately changed as three identical knocks were heard at the large double doors at the opposite side of the office.

"Come in." He spoke confidently, as if he had never doubted a single decision or thought in the first place.

"Sir Neuvillette! I have some paperwork you asked for?" A voice replied.

"Navia, come in."

She opened the door, seemingly happier than usual.

"Did something happen for you to be so ecstatic this early? You're not particularly a morning person." Neuvillette said as she placed some piles of papers down on his desk.

"Oh, not much Sir, I simply met someone!" She told him.

"Met someone?" He inquire.

"Mhm, she's wonderful, we went out last night, and should be going out again tonight if all goes well!" Navia said with excitement.

"Well then, I hope everything goes according to plan." He answered with a soft expression.

"What about you boss? Anything new in the romantically departmenttt~?" She said, dragging the word out teasingly.

"Out." The whole atmosphere changed with that one word.

"Woah woah- I was just kidding, wait, is there something really-!?"

"No. There is absolutely nothing and no one. Out of my office Navia."

"Aha... Yes sir.." She muttered nervously, slowly backing out of his office, closing the doors behind her.

He shook his head, starting on the fresh pile of documents and forms that he had to look over, sign, and fill out individually. Meanwhile, he thought about ways to become closer friends with Wriothesley, for work purposes of course. After all, he would become one of his employees.

Neuvillette noticed that Wriothesley opted for Tea around his house, perhaps he was fond of the beverage? Neuvillette couldn't help but wonder.

He finalized the decision and later, in his lunch break, did some independent research on the difference between each type of leaf, the way to make certain brews, each types beneficial properties, different brands, flavours.

There certainly was a lot to learn about such a seemingly simple drink...

He placed a few orders for some quite unique ones and decided that he would give it to Wriothesley as a gift, considering it his thank you for hosting him the other day.

He had chosen chamomile, red berry, cinnamon, regular and.. peppermint.

There. That should be satisfactory. He wrote down Wriothesley's address as the delivery place and officially finished the order, paying for the few boxes.

Neuvillette smiled, quite pleased with his idea and went on with the rest of his day with a more peaceful mind than he had earlier.

Yet there was some consequence, as he took a longer break than usual, he had to stay later. Evidently, he lost even more sleep than he would have normally.

Yet for some strange reason, it didn't bother him as much as it normally would.

In fact, he felt even calmer and well rested than usual.

How strange...

Good evening everybody! (Well it is for me writing this at the moment, 11:38pm GMT✬)

Just a small Authors note here, I'm afraid that my school re-starts tomorrow, which is also why I'm stopping writing this chapter a little earlier than I usually would.

This also means that I might not be as active, as I also have important mocks and exams coming up soon. (GCSE's😔)

I'll try my best to continue in my free time, I'll also be putting my main focus on this fic, I'll try and update A Red Lotus (my other fanfic) from time to time, but most new chapters will be on here.

Again, thank you for reading and I'll try to keep it going as best I can, Thank you!

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