22. Nyx.

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"Oh for fucks sake." Wriothesley muttered as he clenched at the wound on his side walking the last kilometer home.

Clorinde thought it would be a wonderful idea to call in sick on a day where she had a mission, and now as a result, Wriothesley has a bullet wound in his side, a bruise on his neck from a strangle attempt, and a cut on his bicep. Wonderful.

On the bright side, he can use this against Clorinde and get some free meals out of this!

So, all in all, it wasn't too bad of a mission.

He infiltrated the factory as asked, stole some information, he took a peek and it looked like some sketchy deal was made with a company or two.

The only problem was when he tried to get out, there was a certain...


Now, Wriothesley wasn't too bothered since he recognized them, and usually they don't go for people unless they're paid, they're the sort of "if it's not my job, it's not my problem" sort of thing.

Problem was, it apparently was their job to protect the papers and dealerships in Wriothesleys cargo pocket, and that's how his injuries came to be.

The assassin goes by the name of Nyx, the greek goddess and personification of the night. The 'only goddess that Zeus was ever afraid of'?. Yeah. They go by that.

When Wriothesley first found out their name, he actually found it quite fitting. After all, their first meeting was due to the fact that he couldn't see them, they're always dressed in all black with only their eyes visible. It's annoying.

Always having to watch your back in an alley, In the dark. One time, Wriothesley saw something in the dark move his in how back garden and thought it was them. Turns out it was just a black cat.

They've never spoken a word, never missed a shot. Wriothesley's never even been able to get a look at their eyes, and their fighting style is completely abnormal.

In a word, Terrifying.

Wait, shit, was Sigewinne back from her friends yet?

Ohhhh no.

Oh no no no no no.

Please please please don't be-

The door was unlocked.


Winne always leaves it open for him when he's out.

Hopefully he can avoid her..

He stepped inside, locking the door behind him, making sure his foot steps were silent as he went around, he placed the documents face down on the table next to his bedroom, he'll clean up then put them in the safe, but he heard something and froze.

No, scratch that, he heard nothing.

Not the footsteps of an excited young child that's just heard the door close.

Not the calling up of "Dadd?" If she suspected he was home.

But the ceiling above him was ever so gently moving up and down.

Someone was walking around upstairs, and someone was doing so, trained and silently.

He needed to hide. Quickly.

Wriothesley immediately took to the storage room that had a small gap over the top he could peer through, luckily, it was lockable from the inside.

He peeked aligned his eyes with the small gap and waited.


It only took about 6 minutes for the creak of a stair to giveaway their descent, and someone appeared in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs.

Dammit dammit dammit.

Another thing about Nyx, they never leave a job half done.

And those papers they had just found on the table were the means to finish it.

They scanned them over, looked around then placed them in their pocket, they tried to open Wriothesleys bedroom door, but thankfully it was always locked, and breaking the lock or door would be an immediate give away that someone was here, if the lack of papers wasn't alre-


Nyx took some other papers and placed them down, however, they were interrupted by the doorbell.

Oh shit.


No no no- please, if Wriothesley moved whilst this injured he might as well be asking to die from blood loss,

But before he could even ignore his instincts to stay put and go to save his daughter, Nyx had already opened the door.

"Huh!? Who are you??" He heard his daughter ask.

Nyx just peered down at the child, not saying a word.

"Is my dad in?" She asked again, loudly.

Nyx crouched down and spoke in a whisper.

"Sorry sweetheart, I'm the new cleaner, your dad must not have told you, oh what was his name again?" Nyx acted as if she was trying to recall it.

"Wriothesley?" Sigewinne 'reminded' her.

"Ah yes, Wriothesley, that was it." Nyx agreed.

"If you're a cleaner, what's with the outfit?" Sigewinne judged.

Nyx gave a light chuckle, then made something up on the spot. "Well, despite me being a cleaner, I'm quite the germophobe, so this makes me feel safer."

"Ohh! That makes sense, I hate germs too, they're so disgusting." Sigewinne blatantly agreed.

Nyx smiled, then looked around before taking their hood and mask down.

"Well, I best be off, I cleaned the kitchen especially well." They winked at Sigewinne and walked past her, when Sigewinne turns around to say goodbye, she was already gone.

"... Weird." Sigewinne muttered, closing the door behind her.

"Winne!!" Wriothesley ran out to his daughter, "Are you okay!? Did she say anything to you!?"

"Huh!? Dad!? But- the cleaner was just looking for you- were you playing hide and seek or something??" Sigewinne exclaimed in confusion.

".. Cleaner?" He had been able to hear what Sigewinne was saying for the first part, but whatever Nyx said was completely out of earshot.

"Yeah, that Lady who was just in our house, apparently that was the new cleaner, and she couldn't even remember your name! And apparently she's actually a germophobe and that's why she wear-"


She froze, suddenly her dad's tone wasn't playful or sarcastic.

"What did you just say."

"She's a germophobe?"

"Before that."

"She couldn't remember your na-?"

"Sigewinne. Did you tell her. My name."

"Uh.. Yeah? She couldn't remember it so.."

Oh god.

𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝐼𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢... Where stories live. Discover now