5. A mystery.

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Neuvillette unlocked the door to his office, he needed to stay there all night finishing paperwork if he wanted to have any possible free time within the next week, luckily, he had the coming fortnight off.

"Neuvillette!!" The same voice from earlier shouted just as he was about to close the door to his office.

"Ah... Furina... What a lovely surprise.." He made an obviously fake smile for her.

"Where on earth did you vanish off to earlier!? It was important you know!!" She complained.

"Do you recall the time you called me on your emergency number because you had run out of snacks...?" Neuvillette painfully reminded her.

"That was different! This one was actually important, and you simply disappeared. Now answer, where did you go?" She demanded.

"I met someone."

"What, a ghost? Details, Neuvillette, Details!!"

"I met a man. He offered to take me to a place as compensation for his child's antics, which I didn't actually consider antics." Neuvillette strictly answered.

"........." Furina seemed to be processing something..

... "You.. Went out with a random guy."

"Yes? I don't see a problem with that."

"Where on earth did you go!?"

"Well, we couldn't exactly think of anywhere specific, so we simply went back to his household." Neuvillette replied casually.

Whereas Furina looked like she was about to lose it.

"Right. Neuvillette. Let me get this straight. You met a strange, random guy who had a kid, the kid caused some trouble, he asked you out, and you accepted. Then proceeded to be led back to this RANDOM STRANGERS house.. "

"Well.. When you put it like that.." He began to think about Furinas words more deeply.

"Exactly!! It sounds ridiculous!! I thought you had common sense?"

"Of course I have common sense, but something about him- God. Furina, he didn't seem like the guy at all to do something bad." Neuvillette tried to reason.

"Enough about your mystery guy, I seriously need to talk to you about something." Her demeanor changed.

"There should be more snacks in the-"

"Someone is planning to infiltrate us." Furina cut him off.

It took a few seconds for Neuvillette to process what Furina had told him and even then he was in disbelief.

"Infiltrate..? Where have you gotten this nonsense from?" He lowered his voice, pulling her into his office.

"I got some Intel from some of our acquaintances in Eclipse, you know, our group in government intelligence?"

"Of course I know them, I hired them." Neuvillette rolled his eyes mentally.

"Yeah yeah, anyway, apparently there's a division in intelligence, practically independent. They're onto our behavior, you especially." She warned him.

"Furina, please, it'll be fine. They couldn't infiltrate our information even if they had people on the inside already." Neuvillette reasurred her.

"Neuvillette I'm not joking. These people are elite agents, practically myths and rumors, no ID's, no families, no ties down, and years and years of lethality training. Don't do your usual underestimating. I'm asking you not as your colluege, but as your friend. Think over it." Furina practically pleaded,

"What nonsense has Eclipse been feeding you, but if it'll make you feel better, I'll look into it, okay?" He reasurred her.

"Alright, Thanks!!" Suddenly, her attitude did a full 180,and she was back to her usual cherry self. Leaving the office, closing the door behind her. It was only Neuvillette and his thoughts now.

"An elite intelligence division, hm?" He muttered to himself, turning on his computer.

He couldn't let himself get too distracted, he still had stack upon stack of paper to fill out due to the constant stream of new cases coming in that needed attending to, as well as the fact that the Law Firm had another social event. He'd need to remind Furina to make a speech again... Neuvillette himself cannot risk being seen as the CEO of such a prestigious firm. For two reasons.

One: it would attract unnecessary attention.

Two: he-


His train of thought was interrupted when a sudden bright light illuminated his pocket, pulling his phone out, he had one new notification.

Furina🔹 11:30pm

-More intel! Apparently some of their associates are going to be joining our upcoming event, keep your eyes peeled!!

He was sure that the girl was over exaggerating, for one simple reason.

If there was such a division. He would know about it in detail.

Neuvillette would make sure of it.

He began to theorize about this 'intel' while filling out sheet after sheet, which he was writing down at an alarming speed with intimidating accuracy. When just then he froze, a certain.... 'Issue' coming to his mind and utterly distracting him.

That man he met today, Wriothesley.

He forgot to ask for his phone number.


Thank you to everyone supporting this fic!

I hope you're all enjoying it so far and I apologize for the short chapter, it's currently only 11:12pm but I have a Spanish exam tomorrow...

I'll also try to work on a regular update schedule,

Feel free to comment any opinions on the fic or constructive feedback! <3

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