20. An unwanted memory.

491 20 17

⚠Gore described⚠


No. No. No. No. No.

No no no no no no no no no.

Not again.

This can't happen again.

Surely he can stop it this time?

Surely there must be a way to stop it this time.

Can he not stop it?

Is there nothing he can do?

Oh god- the blood

The sheer amount of it was making him nauseous.

Turning his stomach inside and out, the bile rising at the back of his throat.

The tears that felt acidic running down his cheeks which left streaks of where they cleaned the dirt and muck off.

The bodies.

So many bodies.

All around, filling up the whole room was just corpses. Some fresh. Others that have seemed to have rotted slightly, and some almost fully decomposed into the soiled floor.


These were children.

All they counted as now was collateral. A liability. Evidence.

How could this have happened? He thought he managed to save some.. To protect some...?

Was he wrong?

Was he even alive?


Why was he alive?


Why was he alive.




He finally awoke, gasping for air and wincing at the uncomfortable feeling of his own cold sweat drenching his pyjamas. He looked about panicking, not knowing where he was, who was the girl in front of him? What was going on. Where were his siblings?

Meanwhile, Sigewinne remained calm, not saying a word.

Her dad often had these sort of nightma-....


Night Terrors.

The experience in itself was hell, she knew that, but even in waking up she knew her dad would be disoriented, he always was. Right now, he barely knew who he himself was, let alone her.

Eventually, after about a minute or two, Sigewinne could see the realization in his eyes, as they softened and his hands helped him gain better posture, looking at Sigewinne and giving her a sad sort of smile.

"You okay dad? Do you know who I am?"

"I'm fine Winne, don't worry."

Wriothesley sighed, opening his arms as his daughter came closer to embrace him, and they just stayed like that for awhile.

It was okay.

It was okay now because Sigewinne was here with him, and nothing like that would befall her now. Not while he's around. Hed make sure of it this time.

"You sure you're alright? Did you have your medication yesterday?" She asked with concern.

"Ah no, I forgot, that's probably what brought it on, I'll take it tonight." Wriothesley admitted, he wasn't lying, he had so much work that it completely slipped his mind.

"You better. And I'm sorry, I know it isn't good to wake you from those things, but I didn't wanna leave without saying goodbye.." She explained.

"Leave? Oh right, your sleepover I forgot. Do you need me to drop you off?" Wriothesley asked, standing up with Sigewinne perched on his arm.

"No, her mom is here to pick me up, that's why I wanted to say bye." She said, jumping off like a professional gymnast.

"Right okay, you got your stuff?" He asked, walking her to the front door.

"Yep!" She replied, grabbing her bag and running out the door to the car once her dad opened it.

Sigewinnes friends mother was waiting outside the car, smiling as she jumped down the steps, greetings the woman and getting into the car.

Wriothesley walked down the steps and greeted her.

"Thanks for having Winne, I'm not sure we've officially met, the names Wriothesley." He introduced himself, holding a hand out.

"The names Maria, it's lovely to finally meet you Wriothesley, Sigewinne speaks a lot about you when she's round ours." She returned the smile, shaking his hand.

"I'm guessing you've heard nothing good then." He joked.

"On the contrary, I was 99% sure the kid had built a shrine for you. She doesn't talk about her mother though, are there any topics I should avoid with her?" Maria asked, making sure to be careful.

"Oh no don't worry, I adopted Sigewinne a few years back so she doesn't actually have a mother I'm afraid. I know some people look down on single parents but we make it work." Wriothesley told her.

"Ah don't worry, I know the feeling, my husband and I divorced a few years back, but we've handled it pretty well." She smiled.

"I'm happy for you," He checked his work, "If you'll excuse me though, I've got some work to do back inside, hope those two don't cause you too much trouble." Wriothesley said, beginning to head back up the steps.

"Thanks, see you." Maria laughed, getting back in the car as Wriothesley shut the front door once again.

She started the engine and began driving, whilst unbeknownst to her, Sigewinne was eyeing her up from behind.

"Miss Maria?"

"Yes Sigewinne?"

"With all respect please don't think about tryna date my dad, someone's already interested in him."

"Sigewinne I beg your pardo-"

"It's written all over your face.."

"My apologies.. I overstepped, what's this woman's name that fancies your dad? Do you like her?"

"Yep! He's super cool."


If you got a double notification, sorry about that... I accidentally published this when it was at like 400 words..

Myyy baaddddd.

Also don't you just love giving au characters really traumatic back stories.

It's so good for the plot dude.

Traumatic for the characters but good for the plot sooo..

Also how's the pacing on this going? Too fast? Too slow?

It's supposed to be a slow burn, so I ain't rushing it, I'm more asking if I'm going too fast.

Just any feedback in that area would be appreciated :^

Mwah x

Also, I don't proofread my chapters, that might explain somethings.

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