19. Subtle fangirling.

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It had been a few days since Furina had warned Neuvillette about the Intel she received from Eclipse, and every since then they've gone quiet.

Ever since they gave her the information that the firms upcoming event would attempt to be infiltrated, they haven't had the slightest hint of communication, it was only another thing that Neuvillette had to look into.


But as he was sat as his desk, staring at the pile of paperwork he had finished, his mind remembered clearly that very same conversation that he and Furina had.

"Neuvillette I'm not joking. These people are elite agents, practically myths and rumors, no ID's, no families, no ties down, and years and years of lethality training. Don't do your usual underestimating. I'm asking you not as your colleague, but as your friend. Think over it."

Those were the exact words she used to him. He had said to her that he would spend some time considering the theories of this "rumored division", but truth is, he hadn't at all.

Mostly because he wasn't too worried about it, he had the tendency of somehow finding out about most government intelligent teams and such, as well as having connections within them. So for there to be one that he didn't know about was highly unlikely, therefore, he wasn't too concerned.


It still got him thinking...


What if there was one? One that he didn't know existed? One that, in turn, could get the better of him? One that he didn't know everything about?

He couldn't let such an important thing go straight under his nose if they were to exist, which was still very unlikely.

But even the mere likelihood of this rumor being true gave Neuvillette a very uneasy feeling, one that he didn't get often, and one that he did NOT like.

So he picked up his phone, and made a call, not even a full ring had gone before the other end answered.

"Come to your senses yet?" Furina asked smugly on the other side of the line.

"Let's skip the 'I told you so' part and get straight to it or I'm not giving you your bonus this month." Neuvillette replied in a heartbeat.

"What is it you need me to do." Furinas gone changed instantly.

"I want you to work closer with Eclipse and any other inside members we have in intelligence, I want any rumor about these people reported to me, any information to me. Goes through no one else, okay?" Neuvillette tapped his pen on the table as he gave the very specific orders.

"Got it Chief, I'll get right on it." She agreed.

"Thank you." Was the only thing Neuvillette said as he hung up, putting down the phone.

At least now with Furina on the case he could have even the slightest bit more peace of mind than before, the girl is un-serious most of the time, but she handles her responsibilities well and with care.

There was another thing that was occupying his mind because of this.

What about Wriothesley and Sigewinne?

If this mystery group was indeed targetting his workers and firm, then the employees family has a danger of being involved for blackmail purposes.

Neuvillette would not let that happen over his dead body.

He wouldn't let his acquaintances be in danger because of him and his actions, he would never forgive himself for that.

So it's simple, he'll just find their identities before they can find his.

Shouldn't be hard in the slightest, he's already managed to capture or at the least alter around 20 agents that were on his case.

Emphasis on were.

Why were they on his case anyway? What had he done that was so bad to piss the government off to this extent, seriously, you think he'd killed someone.


Actually, no comment.

Neuvillette swiped up on his monitor and the live CCTV footage was now showcasing in front of him.

There, in perfect quality was the clear image of Wriothesley talking to one of his new coworkers that he'd been getting along decently with.

Neuvillette was glad that he was settling in so easily, especially after the first bump with Furina. He knew she could be a bit... unreasonable?

However, as he expected, Wriothesley calmly handled it and continued on doing his job, which was exactly what the law firm needed. With so many lawyers working difficult on cases, no one can really take time to do the simple tasks that just makes everyone's lives easier. So, Wriothesley offering to do so was quite literally a God send.

And it puts some ease to Neuvillette's mind in a separate matter too, now that he's Wriothesley boss and employer, (even though Wriothesley himself doesn't know it), he can make sure that he's earning enough to support Sigewinne and himself.

Neuvillette knows it was wrong, but what if Sigewinne wanted something extra for the month? So he may or may not have altered Wriothesley's income at the law firm.

Listen, he didn't like many people, so when those two came along it came as a surprise. He could even call them 'friends'.

All in all, the timing was perfect that Wriothesley came to work here, and truthfully, Neuvillette will always silently thank him for that.


Maybe he's overreacting a bit...

He runs errands for lawyers. What on earth is Neuvillette fangirling about.

Maybe Alhaitham was right, he was lacking sleep.

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