16. 'Medical expert'.

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Wriothesley rang the doorbell, expecting Neuvillette to answer, but instead, he was greeted with his daughters face who looked like she had been crying, which alarmed him greatly.

"Winne!? Have you been crying?? What's happened?" He started asking, before being shushed by Sigewinne.

"Shhh! Yes, Dad, I've been crying, but it's because I was laughing. Don't worry!" She smiled brightly, reasurring him.

Wriothesley took the smile as a method of proof and he calmed down,

"Alright, sorry I'm late, I got stuck in really bad traffic, I also picked up some ice cream for you. Where's Neuvillette?" He asked, walking inside as Sigewinne locked the door behind him. Taking his shoes and coat off.

"He's in the living room." She grinned.

"Why are you smiling like that...?" He asked, suspicious of his daughter's behavior.

"Ohhhh, no reason, Mr Neuvillette just had a bit of a.. Makeover, let's say!" She smirked.

"Oh no. Sigewinne don't tell me you've-"

"Go see for yourself." She pointed to the living room entrance.

Wriothesley swallowed in fear, peeking his head round the door hesitantly only to see Neuvillette sitting there with his hair in a pink bow, pink eye shadow and lipstick, and wearing a tutu.

Wriothesley tried.

He really did.

But he just could not stop himself from bursting out laughing.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Wriothesley." Neuvillette said with a scowl, crossing his arms.

"My apologies, Neuvillette... It's just... How on earth did you end up like this?" He said between tears, walking up to him.

"I lost a game with your ever so creative daughter. This was the outcome." He replied with obvious amounts of regret in his voice.

"My goodness, has she taken a picture yet?" Wriothesley asked.

"No, why would sh-" He was interrupted by the sound of a flash, Sigewinne shook the piece of paper that exited her Polaroid camera as the image of Neuvillette slowly appeared on it.

"Thanks for the idea Dad!!" She grinned.

"No problem sweetheart, we can pin it up on the fridge." He said.

Neuvillette did nothing but give a look of disapproval, yet behind his stare, you could notice hints of fondness for the two in front of him. Despite the fact that if anyone else tried this, they'd already be dead.

Including Furina.

Wriothesley changed the subject,

"Anyhow, I believe thanks are in order." He mentioned, he went to the door where he left his stuff and came back with a small bouquet of pale blue and white tulips, offering it to Neuvillette.

"Thank you for watching her despite the conditions, I wasn't sure what you'd like so I got you something that's a genuine means of thanks. Also, sorry for suddenly dumping it on you... Aha..." Wriothesley said nervously, he truly felt bad for how he suddenly gave the job to Neuvillette.

Neuvillette stood there in slight shock for awhile, before mindlessly accepting the flowers.

"Thank you Wriothesley, they're lovely." He smiled warmly at the bouquet, before continuing. "Don't worry about earlier, it ended up being quite the pleasure to look after her."

"Then I'm glad, also relieved she didn't decide to act like a little devil as she usually does with babysitters."

"Well.. I'd say the princess makeover was pretty demonic."

They both shared a laugh at the fact Neuvillette was still dressed up.

"I'll let you get cleaned up Neuvillette while I see how Sigewinne is doing, care to stay a bit longer?" Wriothesley offered.

"I'd be delighted to," Neuvillette smiled back as Wriothesley went into the other room.


"How have you won again!?"

"What can I say, I'm just a genius."

"I'm just going easy on you!"

"Dad.. It's Uno.. You can't exactly go easy on someone. It's basically luck."

"...Im going to beat you this time Winne,"

"You said that last round."

"Well this ti-!"

"And the round before that."

"Sigewinne, dear, it's getting late, how about you get ready for bed?" Neuvillette suggested, the sun had indeed set and it was a week night.

"You know what, since you've suggested it Mr Neuvillette, I will!" She smiled, getting up and heading upstairs, but not before blowing a raspberry at her father to rub it in that she won.

"That girl." He sighed.

"Let her be Wriothesley, it is technically a game of chance.." Neuvillette said to him. To which he sighed,

"I suppose you're right," He admitted. "Hey, I'll be right back, I'm just going to go get a drink, did you want anything?"

"No, I'm perfectly alright thank you." Neuvillette politely declined.

Wriothesley nodded, attempting to get up. However, he made the mistake of putting his weight onto his sprained ankle, and evidently fell back down again.


"Wriothesley? Are you alright?" Came a voice from behind him, Wriothesley looked back to notice that Neuvillette usual calm, cold expression had turned into something of slight concern and surprise.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you. Just because I was in such a rush earlier, I tripped up the stairs and landed on my ankle quite badly, I suppose it's only showing now." Wriothesley completely lied, as he usually did about injuries.

"Would you allow me to take a look? I might be able to help." Neuvillette said, getting up and walking in front of him, sitting down to reach Wriothesley's ground level.

"Uh, sure, it might not be too pretty though." He warned him,

"That's fine, don't worry," Neuvillette gently moved up the cargos that Wriothesley was wearing on the certain leg, halfway up his shin.

It was the first time Wriothesley had seen it too, and he was right, it wasn't pretty. It had bruised quite a bit, and somehow he had actually managed to cut the swollen area, so blood crept down his ankle.

Neuvillette got up to the bathroom, grabbing some mismatched medical supplies, cleaning the wound best he could with the resources and bandaging it appropriately.

"I suggest keeping off that ankle as much as you can, so no walking, no exercising, no nothing of the sorts, got me?" Neuvillette instructed.

"Well my apologies Sir, when did you become a Medical Expert?" Wriothesley teased.

"I took some courses when I was younger, and they've simply stuck." Neuvillette answered in all seriousness, clearly not processing the circumstances of Wriothesleys' comment.

Wriothesley sighed, ignoring it. "Well, thank you for the advice, I'll try to follow it as best I can. Even though I have work tomorrow, I'll try to stay off it, sounds good?" He offered.

"Alright, that sounds acceptable."

"Oh and do me a favor.. Don't tell Sigewinne." He pleaded.

"Why not?" Neuvillette asked,

"Last time I got injured, it wasn't too angelic."

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