11. Tattoos.

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Wriothesley was sure he could spot a slight tear swelling in Neuvillettes right eye upon hearing that.

"Neuvillette!? Are you okay-??" He slightly panicked.

"Yes, Yes, I'm fine. I greatly apologize for gifting you peppermint tea, I'll be sure not to do it again." Neuvillette said with utmost respect in his tone.

Wriothesley would never be surprised if he decided to bow for forgiveness at this rate, "Neuvillette please don't worry, you don't know, I'm grateful for it nonetheless." He reassured him.

"No. It was my mistake, I should have taken the hint that there was nothing mint when I came to visit, therefore made the assumption you didn't like it." Neuvillette continued.

"Wha- Neuvillette, please, no one would be that perceptive about my household, or link it to my likes and dislikes for that matter-" Wriothesley explained like any sane person.

"Now that you point it out, it's so obvious too! Oh dear.." Neuvillette buried his face in his hands, seemingly mortified.

"Hey Neuvillette! Are you even listening?" Wriothesley gently grabbed one of his wrists, lowering it down so that Neuvillette had no other choice but to look at him.

"I said it was fine, Sigewinne will have it, and if not then I have a friend that quite likes such a brew, it won't go to waste alright?" He said firmly.

Neuvillette took a deep breath in and out.

"Yes, you're right, I apologize for my.. overreaction there." He responded.

What took Wriothesley completely off guard is how quickly this man changed up, first he went from a smiling friend, to the seeming crisis that he just went through, to now a completely stone cold expression that reminded Wriothesley quite like a head teacher of a school. The white haired man in front of him had suddenly turned very formal.

"Uh... Neuvillette?"


"You know what. Never mind it. It doesn't matter."

"If you deem it to be unimportant, then it must be so." Neuvillette concurred.

".....what is up with you!?" Wriothesley exclaimed.

"Whatever do you mean?" He asked innocently.

"Why are you being so.... formal."

"I'm doing no such thing."

Wriothesley raised an eyebrow at that response, making it clear he didn't believe a word of it.

"Bullshit." He stated.

"Wriothesley, there's no need to cuss about it-"

"My house."

That, for some reason, seemed to shut Neuvillette up... And Wriothesley genuinely could not place how or why, seriously. At this point Neuvillette could be an anomaly in the world, Wriothesley couldn't read the guy at all!!

He sighed.

"Neuvillette, I was just joking, you're permitted to voice your opinions here you know..."

"Oh.. I apologize."

"No need at all, I'm the one that should apologize for interrupting you so rudely"

"It's alright, really," Neuvillette dropped the cold front, smiling at Wriothesley.

"So we're good?" Wriothesley asked, returning the slight smile.

"Of course," Neuvillette nodded in agreement.

"That's excellent then, wouldn't want us quarrelling on only our third meeting, plus, Sigewinne has taken a major liking to you with all surprise."

"I'm glad that I'm on her good side then, she seems like a very sweet girl."

"Yeah, until she spikes your food with mint leaves."


"Eh, sorta, to me she is at least. At school I'm pretty sure she puts on this whole front of a golden Child for the teachers. Mn, I'm not complaining, it makes parents evenings a whole lot easier... Sometimes."


Wriothesley sighed in some sort of mild annoyance.

"One of her teachers always tries to flirt with me."

"Well that's quite... Unprofessional."

"Yes, I agree. Which is why I try to avoid steering in that direction with Sigewinnes lessons."

"That sounds like a smart solution to the dilemma."

"Why thank you very much, my good friend."

Neuvillette nodded, finishing his glass of water and placing it down on the table. His eyes seemed to light up as he remembered something.

"Ah, Wriothesley! Could I get your number? It completely slipped my mind last time I was here."

"Right right, yes of course."

Wriothesley went to go grab a piece of paper and a pen, and they both happily exchanged numbers with each other. Placing the different numbers in each of their phones.

"There we are, perfect" Wriothesley stated, pleased. He laid the back of his head onto the top of the sofa back behind him, which consequently meant that more of his neck was exposed than usual.


"Wriothesley? I didn't know you had tattoos."

"Hm? I don't?"

"Then what's that on your neck?" Neuvillette questioned, pointing at the small black shape that was just barely peeking above Wriothesley's collar.

His eyes widened slightly and immediately put his head back down.

"Ah, well, Sigewinne wanted to give me a temporary one yesterday, so I allowed her as long as it wasn't visible. I suppose it was a bit too high up in the end" He explained after a seemingly nervous laugh.

Neuvillette didn't completely believe this explanation, but Wriothesley didn't seem comfortable with discussing it, so he didn't push any further and simply nodded in a fake understanding.

"Perhaps she could give me one"

"Oh trust me, those things don't come off for weeks. Once she put one on my forehead, I had to stop working for a week because I probably would've been fired if I got spotted." Wriothesley laughed, Neuvillette smiled along with him.

"Hm, maybe I'll have second thoughts about that then.."

"Well, she could always give you one where no one can see it? How about we ask her when she gets back."

"That sounds perfect"

" Do you have any tattoos Neuvillette?"

Originally, Wriothesley asked as a courtesy and conversation starter, because he believed he knew what Neuvillette's answer was gonna be. Yet nevertheless...

"I do actually!"

Wriothesley nearly stuttered over his non existent speaking.

"Seriously?? Where?"

"Hm, I have one going down my back, and one on my left upper arm.." Neuvillette explained calmly. While Wriothesley was completely shell shocked.

"Hello....? Wriothesley...?"


"Are you alright...?"

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