18. A gift.

448 27 8

Should he turn back?






Plus, he was already standing outside Wriothesley's door, with a small box in hand for him, and a small thing for Sigewinne too. It would be outright rude to turn back now.

Neuvillette knocked, hed also decided to confront Wriothesley about going into work earlier today, and decided to pin it on his imaginary "acquaintance". Technically, he wouldn't be lying, he was very well acquainted with everyone there, they worked for him after all.

He heard the sound of footsteps and the lick turn as somebody opened up the door, and to his surprise, it wasn't Wriothesley, nor was it Sigewinne.

"Can I help you Sir?" She asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Ah, yes, is Wriothesley in by any chance?" Neuvillette asked her.

"Yep, he's just in the shower and should be out soon, did you need him specifically or will I suffice." The woman said in a way that was more a statement than a question, giving half a glare at Neuvillette, like she didn't trust him in the slightest.

"I'm afraid it's specifically for him, so if you don't mind I'll wait." He replied.

"No issue here, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait outside, not my house, I can't go around dishing out invites."

"That's understandable ma'am."

"The name's Clorinde,"

"Neuvillette, it's a pleasure to meet you."


Her responses were curt, and the two stood there for what seemed like an eternity in awkward silence. However once he checked his watch, it had only been five minutes until he saw Wriothesley peek his head round the doorframe of the living room down the hallway.

"Neuvillette! Sorry, I wasn't expecting you." He called down, ruffling his wet hair with a towel as he adjusted his shirt that he had seemingly put on in a rush, along with some black cargos.

"So you do know him?" Clorinde shot a look at Wriothesley.

"Of course I do, now can you do me a favor and put Winne to bed?" He asked.

"That's what I was doing until the door interrupted me."

"Then please, by all means, proceed."

They exchanged a confusing glance as Clorinde walked past him and headed upstairs, and Wriothesley took her place by leaning on the doorframe.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of Monsieur's presence?" He grinned at Neuvillette.

"I wanted to come check up on your ankle, considering you went directly against my orders and clocked in at work." Neuvillette gave a not-so-friendly smile along with the sentence.

"... Aha.. And pray tell, how did you know..?" Wriothesley nervously asked.

"Wriothesley, I told you I knew people there and I deliberately asked them." He explained.

"Neuvillette, do me a favor and tell me who you know there?" Wriothesley pleaded.

"Hm? Why?"

"So I can stay away from them."

"Ha, ha, aren't you comedic." Neuvillette was close to rolling his eyes before he remembered the box in his own hands. "Anyhow, I admit it was inconsiderate of me to tell you to stay off when it was your first day, so I got this as an apology." Neuvillette handed him the box.

Wriothesley was left slightly stunned, "Neuvillette- you really didn't have to go to such a measure for such a minute thing-"

"Please open it."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Neuvillette nodded in confirmation,

Wriothesley eventually gave in and opened up the box, revealing a platinum hoop with something engraved on it.

"I noticed you had a helix piercing on your left ear, so I hope this is to your liking." Neuvillette explained.

"Neuvillette.. it's beautiful." He picked it up, inspecting the engraving. "W+S? Oh my god. Neuvillette did you engraved mine and Sigewinne's initials into this?"

"I found it quite appropriate to do so, yes." Neuvillette answered in a casual tone, almost to say 'was it not obvious I would?'

Needless to say, Wriothesley was soul shocked.

Forget being soul shocked, he was pretty sure he didn't have a soul anymore.

That thing flew away the moment he opened that box.

"Neuvillette I... I'm at an utter loss for words.." Not many things could make him shut up, but this? It struck all Wriothesley's vocabulary into next year.

"So it is acceptable as an apology?" Neuvillette questioned.

"It's amazing, that's what it is, but honestly you shouldn't have gone to such lengths just to apologize, a quick "I'm sorry" would have been more than enough, considering you were just looking out for my health in the first plac-"

"I don't want to hear it, not even a word Wriothesley." Neuvillette interrupted sternly.

"Yes sir." Wriothesley smirked, removing the current gold ringlet in his ear and clicking in the gifted one.

Neuvillette's eyelids and composure faltered slightly at the sight, for Wriothesley to be wearing a thing that he gifted him. The platinum shade complemented his hair and skin tone perfectly.

It's just a piercing!? Get yourself together Neuvillette, well.. Could it be considered understandable? Wriothesley is an attractive man after all, I'm sure anyone would- no. Ignore it.

Neuvillette regained his face and offered a smile, "It suits you."

"Thank you, it feels good too, usually ringlets smaller than my usual never fit, but it's perfect." He smiled, adjusting it as he spoke.

"I'm glad, oh also before I forget-" Neuvillette pulled out a book from his own library and handed it to Wriothesley, "That's for Sigewinne, she mentioned that she couldn't find it in any of the local libraries the other day, but I was able to find it in my collection, so she can have it."

"You mean borrow it, right?"

"No, I mean have it. The book never interested me personally, and if she doesn't like it, feel free to return it to me."

"You really are too generous for your own good, Neuvillette."

"I can assure you Wriothesley, I am never this generous with anyone, now if you'll excuse me, I have someone I need to meet in about 20." Neuvillette smiled, making his way down the path once again.

"See you soon?" Wriothesley questioned, beginning to close the door.

"Mn." Neuvillette agreed with a nod, waving as he turned the corner.

Wriothesley closed and locked the door, standing there in his thoughts for a while.

Neuvillette told him that he was never that generous with anyone, what was that supposed to mean? Well to be honest, the man definitely couldn't be going around giving engraved jewellery as a sorry every time he did something remotely unrefined.

So it was just him and Sigewinne, huh?

Wriothesley smiled.

For some reason, that thought made Wriothesley extremely happy with no explanation.

He continued to be happy until he turned the corner and Clorinde was waiting for him.

"So," she started..

"Who's the lover boy?"

God, please strike him dead right here right now.

𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝐼𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢... Where stories live. Discover now