23. Debt free.

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Neuvillette entered his office just as the grandfather clock struck 1:30am.

Whenever he couldn't sleep, he decided to go their, it had a certain air, a certain atmosphere that calmed him.

This was where he had power, this was the place where there was no one to order him, for him to feel completely comfortable.

However, he wasn't here because he couldn't sleep, and he wasn't here alone.

"My debt has been repaid, Neuvillette." A deep, commanding voice announced from the shadows as Neuvillette sat down at his chair behind his desk, rewatching the CCTV footage as background ambience.

"There was an infiltration?" He asked to confirm both his and Furina's suspicions.

"Mn. A highly skilled agent, he nearly managed to get away with it, but I swapped them out with incorrect information." The feminine figure stepped out of the shadows, sitting down on the armchair opposite Neuvillette's desk.

"Water?" He offered, pouring himself an ice cold glass from the dispenser he keeps beside his desk.

"No. Thank you. I can't exactly drink through my mask." Nyx hissed at him.

"You'd think after all the years we'd been working together you'd trust me enough with your true identity." Neuvillette feigned offense, only with people as cold as she could he be less formal and more mocking.

"I wouldn't call it working together, you did me a favor, and I repaid it. We can now be out of each other's hair once and for all." She said, crossing one leg over another.

"What was the agent like?" Neuvillette asked, swiftly changing the subject.

"Not sure, didn't exactly stay to find out what his hobbies were or what he's into." She rolled her eyes,

Neuvillette frowned, "You know what I mean, fighting style, efficiency, knowledge. I want to know how dangerous he is to the firm."

Nyx narrowed her eyes through the gap between her mask and hood, taking a breath before explaining her interpretation.

"Fighting style, about an eight and a half, he's probably usually a nine but you couldn't tell he was still suffering from previous injuries, I'm guessing from previous missions. Which gives us a mild implication that whoever he works for doesn't have enough agents, having to send injured ones into the field. Meaning they're scarce. Also meaning that they're more secretive. Efficiency was about a 7, a bit sloppy but otherwise he hit every single time, even managed to scrape by one of my bullets. I was aiming for the stomach, and ended up hitting him in the side. He's fast."

Neuvillette had very quickly learned a while back that instead of just taking on her opponents, Nyx broke them down like a video game character. They're nothing but pixels to her with categories, strength, speed, stamina, efficiency. She reads them off of how they move.

He could tell that she was going to continue speaking, when something caught her eye on one of the CCTV footages that Neuvillette pulled up.

"Who's that?" She pointed at a man walking around with a stack of paper in one arm, and a phone call in the other.

"Wriothesley, he's sort of a secretary for all the lawyers who work in the firm, why do you ask? Do you recognize him?" Neuvillette questioned.

Underneath her mask, unbeknownst to Neuvillette, Nyx was smirking. The spy trying to infiltrate Neuvillette was right under his nose.

And in all technicality.... She had no obligation to help Neuvillette anymore...

"Oh no, no reason, just thought he was quite attractive." She admitted blankly.

Neuvillette frowned.

He frowned.

"Oh?? So sorry, it seems I struck a nerve." She mocked.

"No. No not at all, but do you not think that's slightly unprofessional?" Neuvillette said through gritted teeth.

"Unprofessional? Well I don't work for you, he's not my coworker exactly.." She raised an eyebrow at Neuvillette's reaction.

"Well. I'd rather not have you attempting to seduce my workers, Nyx. Them being distracted is the last thing I need." Neuvillette composed himself, turning that CCTV film off.

'As if he's not already distracted with trying to gather information from this place' Nyx smiled to herself.

Oh oh oh this was gonna be fun.

She might pay another visit as the 'cleaner' after this.

Voila, two chapters released so close to each other!?


What are we thinking of the OC🫢🫢

She's been my main OC for as long as I can remember, it felt wrong not to add her I'm afraid.. 😞💔

Here's a little insight to her character to better your judgement.

Ahem... If cursing and language bothers you I suggest you skip this part though.

Because I ain't censoring any of it..

And let's simply say that our newest character has a strong tongue.

(This was just after she'd returned with the papers from being a 'cleaner')

Good fucking riddance!!

I'm so done with that dumbass shitty job,

It didn't even pay well!

The only reason they could afford my services was because I owed the boss a debt.

Debt repaid motherfuckers!! I'm debt free!!


I hate guarding shit. It's so boring.

And that little bitch face that decided to come and steal the papers that I was guarding.

The fucking audacity is actually skyrocketing above his dumbass head.

His daughter was cute though, I'll give him that.

But when do I get to kill people again!?

It's so boooorrriiiinnnngggg....

I'm actually going to kill myself.

What do I do now??


I could break into Neuvillette's office,

Yeahhh, that sounds like fun.

Maybe steal something while I'm at it too.

I mean- whatttt-

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