14. Business.

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"Clorinde, I'm here" was heard on the static of the communication device Wriothesley had planted into his left earring. Clorinde was on the other side of the connection, walking him through where to go and who he would come across.

"On your left, I'm sure you remember him." Clorinde stated bitterly.

"Pft, how could I forget, Alexander Rico, he's gone up in the arms dealing world since last we saw him, hasn't he?" Wriothesley commented.

"Sure has, he's one of the top dealers now connection wise, money wise he still comes second to Tex." She replied.

"Don't say that bastards name." Wriothesley subtly snapped.

"My apologies, your grace." Clorinde said, half serious with the apology, half mockery with the nickname.

Wriothesley just walked around as if everything were normal, slowly but surely making his way to the place he needed to be, smiling and making light conversation with strangers along the way.

"Wriothesley, you're going to have to face him at some point." Clorinde continued the previous conversation.

"The next time I face him it will either be behind bars or on the floor without his chest rising and falling." Wriothesley practically growled to himself.

Clorinde sighed, "Alright, sorry for bringing it up, focus on the current task."

"What do you think I've been trying to do" He rolled his eyes.

"There. In front of you. That's the person you need to kill." Clorinde said. Dead serious.

Wriothesley on the other hand...

"Are you serious."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Clorinde that's an 86 year old man..."


"I can't do that."


"Oh come on! My conscience won't let me do that, it's an old guy!" By this point he had taken his phone out and pretended to be on the phone so he looked a little less insane talking to himself.

"Well that 'old guy' can easily fight back against you without those 2 bodyguards beside him, he's killed hundreds including innocent children-"

"How do I do it."

"There we go. Okay, I've arranged for you to have a 'business meeting' in the private booth in 5 minutes, head there. The first right when you head up the stairs." Clorinde instructed, and Wriothesley followed her words, finding himself in a large decorated room with a large oval table in the centre.

He had his back to the door, but heard perfectly well when 3 figures entered the room, 2 of them tall and bulky, and the other a smaller frame.

The old man spoke.

"So, I heard you've got a brilliant ploy for this evening Mr Tex-"

"Oh, and I forgot to mention, your taking Texs' identity, no ones seen him so it's perfect.." Clorinde said to Wriothesley last minute.

"-and I must say, it's an honour you're entrusting me to know your appearance."

"Shut it." The scarred man said.

Wriothesley was pissed off to say the least, Clorinde could have at least warned him of his fake identity to this man before he entered, she could have given him time to mentally prepare!?

"My apologies, Mr Wright, but it appears you've been too easily decieved." Wriothesley drew out his sentence, going over and closing each curtain.

"Whatever do you mean Mr Tex? Is there something I'm unaware of?"

"I'm afraid this meeting has something unnecessary."

"What could that be, Sir?"

Wriothesley turned around, a murderous look in his eyes.


"Sir Neuvillette!???? Where are youuuuuuu???" Sigewinne shouted from down stairs.

Neuvillette currently found himself in a closet-like room under the stairs leading up to the attic, which had been converted into a second bedroom of sorts.

He had promised to play hide and seek with Sigewinne, and if she caught him, then he'd willingly become a princess, but if she ran out of time with the given 5 minutes she was permitted to find him, then he could turn her into one instead.

The deal was as simple as that!

But he was only at around 2 minutes and he was already insanely bored, he wasn't used to having nothing to do. He was usually rushing around during some event or another, whether it be paperwork or meetings, cases or investigations. He was never free, so he was far from accustomed to this.

His mind drifted off again, back to Wriothesley. 'I do wonder what got him in such a rush.' He thought, making a mental note to ask him later. It was strange to Neuvillette, it had only been a few days, but he and Wriothesley had already become decently close, which was very rare for Neuvillette. He hasn't told Furina about his usual visits to his house, she'd promptly murder him in cold blood if so...

Sigewinne is quite fond of him too, which is nice to know, because if anything ever happened to Wriothesley, he'd have to be there for Sigewinne whether she liked him or not.


Why would his mind go there!?

Nothing will happen to Wriothesley, he's working at his law firm after all, so he can keep an eye and check on him to make sure he's alright.

Yep. That's what he would do.

For Sigewinne's sake.

For Sigewinne.

On that note, when was Wriothesley supposed to start his job again? Tomorrow maybe? Well then, that would be interesting to see how he fares, the people Neuvillette has employed are exceedingly brilliant at their jobs it's just... they're quite difficult to get along with, Neuvillette included.

'I'm sure he'll be fine, he's quite a charismatic man.' Neuvillette thought, before making a sudden face of realization.

Why was he thinking of him like that!?

𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝐼𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢... Where stories live. Discover now