21. The frequent visitor.

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It had been a very long time since his last terror, he had almost let himself hope that they would be gone for good.

Oh, how wrong he was.

Currently, Wriothesley was sitting in his kitchen drinking tea, one of the new variations that Neuvillette had gifted him not so long ago, and he had to admit it was delicious.

He managed to give the peppermint one away to Clorinde, who was probably going to give it to someone or other, maybe that woman she was seeing would like it and take it as a gift, who knew.

Usually, Wriothesley wouldn't be into any sort of tea if it wasn't his regular or special occasion one, but the Red Berry one that he was gifted was definitely going to go on his next purchase.

He made a mental note to thank him when he next saw him again, maybe he could even get him something in return. Flowers maybe?

. . . . . .


God Wriothesley what are you thinking.

Flowers!? For an adult man!? Who you have no romantic interest in whatsoever!?

Maybe that Night Terror really did affect him.

Hm, maybe he'd have to go back on his medication...

Wriothesley decided to give it a few nights, since that medication does nothing good anyway and the side effects are horrendous.

Those Terrors he experiences are always the same, same words, same scents, same sight, same touch, same taste. Always the same. Time after time.

All they are is a painful reminder of what he did and what he couldn't do.

Who he couldn't save.

Before much time passed and Wriothesley was able to throw himself into a spiral of self blame, the doorbell rang throughout the house, snapping him out of his reverie.

"Coming!!" He called, setting down his tea and walking up to the door, unlocking and opening it.

"Well, well, Mr Neuvillette what a nice surprise," He grinned.

"It's a pleasure to see you too Wriothesley, may I please enter?" He returned the smile,

"Of course! I've always got room for my favorite stranger." Wriothesley laughed while stepping aside and letting Neuvillette enter, before closing the door behind him. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked.

"Not much of a problem, but I came here to ask you for a favor." Neuvillette explained.

"A favor you say? Shoot," Wriothesley told him, filled with curiosity.

"I need you to come with me to the market in the city centre today." Neuvillette blurted out.

"The market? Sure, I'm free today, but why?" He asked, finishing his cup of tea and setting it in the sink.

"My friend has a sort of formal business party coming up, and I'd find it rude to turn up without some sort of gift, but the thing is, I'm not particularly good at shopping for others. So, I was wondering if you would accompany me?" Neuvillette explained.

"Well, fair warning, I'm not much of a gift buyer myself but I'm happy to help you, plus if I stayed at home I'd just be doing papers all day." Wriothesley smiled.

"Perfect, shall I wait outside in the car?" Neuvillette asked.

"That works, I'll be out in 5." Wriothesley agreed.

In about 15 minutes, the two were nearing their destination. The car ride had been quiet, with the occasional conversation about simplicity such as work or family, Sigewinne etc.

And although most of it was silence, it was comfortable, the type of silence that you only get with those that you've been friends with for years, maybe even decades.

"You know, Neuvillette, you seem to visit my house quite a bit." Wriothesley smirked as he pointed it out, while Neuvillette was trying to find a parking space.

"Ah, my apologies, is it bothering you??" He questioned.

"Oh! No, no, not at all, I'm just wondering how so? Do you usually go to your friends houses often? Is this a you thing Orr.." Wriothesley elaborated.

"I see what you mean, but no, I don't visit other people's abodes as much as yours. Truth be told, I enjoy seeing and spending time with you and Sigewinne" Neuvillette admitted,

Wriothesley genuinely thought that his heart would start having palpitations after that.

'Oh. My. Gods.'

Wriothesley discreetly shook his head to get himself back in reality while Neuvillette parked perfectly and they both exited the car.

"So, what does this friend of yours like?" Wriothesley asked as they began walking deeper into the lined up stalls.

"Hm, she's quite the eccentric type, her favorite color is Blue, she wears quite a few hats?" Neuvillette offered up information.

"Hm, is she into jewelry at all? I know a few people who quite like it." Wriothesley said.

"Do you?" Neuvillette asked,

"Well, I buy earrings from time to time, and maybe the odd ring, and I only wear one necklace, it's very special." He smiled, pulling out a chain with a little Silver locket in the shape of a teardrop. He opened it and inside there was a messy scribble drawn on a crumpled up piece of paper of two people holding hands.

"This was Sigewinnes first ever art project when she was a lot younger, she drew me and her in some cheap crayons I bought her, I think it'll always be my favorite thing she makes." Wriothesley smiled fondly, looking at the pocket around his neck and closing it up again.

Neuvillette looked at the locket in awe, then moved his gaze back up to Wriothesley, but his expression didn't change. For a very rare smile started to creep up his cheeks, Wriothesley really was a good man, despite whatever he's told by Furina and whatnot.

Yeah, maybe he can learn to trust him.

Goodness gracious I'm so sorry for not uploading😟😟😟😟

I had no idea how to continue 🙏🙏

I never know with these things when to start the dramatic parts, y'know?

Like is it too soon yet? Too early? Am I dragging it out too much?


I'll figure it out🥳

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