10. Signed off.

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Wriothesley was snapped out of his working daze by the front door bell ringing, he put his pen down and walked out his office. Turning the handle, opening it to find a delivery man with a decently large package waiting.

"Hello, can I help you?" He asked.

"Mr Wriothesley?" The delivery man responded.

"Yes, that's me, but I don't recall ordering anything."

"No sir, this is a gift to you from another, it states it in the purchase details. Please enjoy." The man smiled as he handed over the box, which Wriothesley took, before walking away.

Wriothesley was left utterly confused, as he closed and locked the door once more. Going into the kitchen and placing the box down on the counter, grabbing some scissors to open it.

The two cardboard pieces were folded out, and there was a note on top of a piece of Styrofoam packaging.

"Consider this my thanks from yesterday, and good luck wishing from your interview


Neuvillette got him a gift in return?

He really shouldn't have, there was no need to at all. He simply invited him into his home.

It's not like he wasn't grateful, Wriothesley just felt it was a bit undeserved.

His mind changed instantly once he took the Styrofoam out.


Wriothesley then promptly took any doubts he voiced about Neuvillette back, and silently thanked the man. It also seemed like he had paid attention to what Wriothesley drunk while he was over, that's either considerate or creepy.

...Wriothesley will consider it the former.

Although, he did buy him peppermint tea. Which wasn't ideal considering his taste buds.

It was fine, Wriothesley simply just wouldn't drink it, maybe Sigewinne would like it? Oh well, he'll find a use for it somehow.

He'd need to thank Neuvillette greatly next time he saw him, probably a few times as well. He didn't think that one would be enough to suit the situation.

This was perfect timing too, as Wriothesley was actually running out of some of his current ones, this saved him from going out to buy more.

In the spirit, he boiled some water and waited for it to steep. Sigewinne was at a friend's house today so he didn't need to worry about her putting in a mint leaf while he wasn't looking.

As he was waiting he heard another knock at the door.

Ah, he was expecting Clorinde, so that could be her.

Yet he opened the door and didn't find Clorinde, but in fact someone quite the opposite.

"Hello Neuvillette, I didn't expect to welcome you today" Wriothesley smiled.

"I hope I'm not intruding" He returned the smile.

"No, no, of course not, please come in." Wriothesley moved to the side, allowing Neuvillette to enter.

"Thank you" He answered as he stepped past Wriothesley, taking his outer coat and shoes off, resting his cane on the side of the wall.

"Don't you need it?" Wriothesley inquired before correcting himself, "Sorry, you might not want to talk about it if it's sensitive-"

"It's quite alright don't worry, and no, I don't particularly need it. However I was diagnosed with low iron deficiency when I was younger, therefore it simply helps if I ever feel faint." Neuvillette explained calmly.

Wriothesley nodded in understanding, offering to take him to the living room.

"Please take a seat, would you like a drink of sorts? Any food?"

"Just water is fine please, and I'm not hungry thank you."

"Alright, I'll be right back."

Wriothesley disappeared into the kitchen to prepare their beverages. While he was gone, Neuvillette looked around the room, viewing pictures in frames hung on walls of Wriothesley and Sigewinne at different places. Some of which he recognized, others he didn't.

The largest portrait was hanging framed above the fireplace, it was a sort of painted picture including Wriothesley laughing with Sigewinne on his shoulders, she looked a bit younger than she is now.

Neuvillette couldn't help but smile at the two's bond, not even noticing when Wriothesley came back in.

"Here's your water" He said, placing it down.

Neuvillette snapped out his gaze. "Thank you, did you get the tea I sent you?"

"Yes actually, that came just a few moments before you yourself arrived. But, Neuvillette.. It really wasn't necessary." Wriothesley smiled in a slightly awkward manner.

"Please, I insist, you don't owe me anything for it either way. I did it purely because I wanted to." He reassured Wriothesley.

"Okay, okay, but if you ever need anything from me also, don't hesitate to ask." He said with a laugh in his voice.

"Duly noted."

"Mn, oh! How did visiting your friend go at the Law firm today?"

"It went well thank you,"

"They enjoyed their lunch?"

"Yes, they had sushi I believe, one of their favorites. I'm not sure how they could have forgotten it, they're not the smartest individual..." Neuvillette sighed.

"Well, surely they have to be quite smart in order to be working there. It's quite a prestigious organization, is it not?" Wriothesley asked.

"Hm, you could say that they're academically smart. Yet when it comes to common sense... They're.. Lacking quite a bit."

"I get what you mean actually, I have a friend who is exactly the same."

"It seems to be quite a common thing then, I'm glad you and I don't suffer from it."

"Ha, ain't that the truth" Wriothesley admitted as he took a sip from the tea that he brewed for himself.

"Back on the subject of tea actually, Wriothesley. Were they all to your liking? I wasn't sure which ones you'd prefer."

"Yes, they were all lovel-... Lovely." Wriothesley seemed to hesitate, remembering a certain factor.

"What's wrong? Was there some you didn't like?" Neuvillette for some reason, grew concerned.

"Uh.. Well..."


"I despise mint."

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