005, books from moody!

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THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS WENT by so fast; Cerise had avoided the Weasley Twins as much as possible, but it was really hard considering she shared most of their classes

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THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS WENT by so fast; Cerise had avoided the Weasley Twins as much as possible, but it was really hard considering she shared most of their classes. Divination was one of them, which is where they all were. Cerise was sat with Loralei, unfortunately right next to the twins.

She knew the twins took Divination just to mess around, which made it hard for the people that wanted to learn; Cerise already couldn't hear Trelawney due to Fred and George's loud and obnoxious chatter.

Loralei was giggling, rolling her eyes at the look on Cerise's face. "Shut the fuck up," Cerise hissed to the twins, "You're both doing my head in."

"Nothing new there," George smirked, "Do you even know what we're supposed to be doing?"

Cerise looked around, everyone was working, but herself, Loralei, and the twins. "Uh, no." She muttered, shaking her head.

"Exactly," Fred grinned, "We're just saving you from doing some. . . Nonsense!"

Cerise mimicked him, rolling her eyes. "Well, we would know what to do, if you guys weren't so fucking obnoxious." She hissed at them, "Just go back to making your shitty products."

Fred and George exchanged a glance. They couldn't lie, it did sting hearing those words. She would get along with Molly. Molly didn't approve of their plans to own a joke shop either.

Professor Trelawney was walking past, but suddenly gasped and looked straight at Cerise. Her eyes had widened slightly, and she was smiling brightly. "I see a love in your near future, Miss Diggory."

"About damn time," Cerise stated, clearly not believing the woman. "Is he at least fit and rich?"

Professor Trelawney chose not to answer, and walked towards the twins, scolding them for not taking the future seriously. They had laughed at her prediction for Cerise, they were incredibly sceptic of the woman.

Loralei watched as Cerise sighed. "Don't think too hard on it," she said to her best friend, "She's probably a fraud anyway."

Trelawney walked back towards Cerise, furrowing her eyebrows. "Oh, dear," she muttered, pursing her lips. "I see a death of a loved one heading your way — I think it's best you prepare yourself."

And she walked off, again.

"Yep," Loralei said, rolling her eyes, "Definitely a fraud."

Divination quickly finished, and Cerise rushed out the door — forgetting half her stuff in the process, but she didn't really care. George had been making comments about the girl to Fred, as if she couldn't hear him. He knew she could hear him, he just chose not to care.

Loralei chased after her, holding all of their stuff in her arms tightly as she struggled to keep up with Cerise. Cerise was fast, incredibly fast.

"Slow — down — can't — breathe —" Loralei was saying in between breaths. When Cerise finally stopped, Loralei placed her hands on her knees, leaning over as she panted.

However, Cerise couldn't grab her things off Loralei, as Moody appeared, his magical eye moving in all kinds of directions. Cerise pursed her lips, shifting on her feet uncomfortably.

"Miss Diggory," he said, "Would you like to come to my office? I do believe I have something you might enjoy."

Sighing, Cerise followed after him, telling Loralei to go to the common room and she'd meet up with her in a bit. Once they made it to his office, Cerise hesitantly took a seat opposite her professor.

An awkward silence filled the air; Cerise began to pick at Moody's desk, which seemed to annoy him as he glared at the girl.

"Here are some books you might like," he threw the books in her direction. A lot of them were about avoiding a curse or a spell, but the one that stood out the most, was about not letting the imperius curse affect you. "I believe you are a strong student — Have you mastered non-verbal spells yet?"

Cerise didn't need to answer because Moody was already showing her the book to help her learn it. She hesitated before she finally accepted the books, and placed them into a bag Moody had given her.

"Don't let anyone see these books," he said, "I don't want them to think I'm picking favourites."

Leaving his office, more confused than ever, Cerise wasn't looking where she was going. She groaned, feeling her body come in contact with someone. And then, she heard the most annoying voice ever, "Look where you're going."

George Weasley.

Cerise looked up at him, and her eyes narrowed. "You clearly saw me walking," she said, irritated, "You should've moved."

George tilted his head, "But, why would I do that?"

Cerise rolled her eyes, "Any decent human being would do that." She stated, nudging past him and going to walk off.

George, however, grabbed her arm and turned her around. His face was just inches from his own. "The only thing that makes me a decent human being, is the fact I saved you during the Quidditch World Cup. . . At least, that's what you've been telling people, isn't it?" He said lowly, chuckling in disbelief when he saw the look on Cerise's face.

He pulled away from her so there was now a clear gap between them. "You should be lucky Fred hasn't heard of the things you've been saying," George stated, still holding onto Cerise's arm. "He isn't as forgiving as me."

Cerise snorted, "Okay," she said, smirking at him. "And what exactly is he going to do? Force one of your shitty joke products down my throat — Because Merlin knows I'm not stupid enough to accept anything off you, or your prick of a brother."

She pulled her arm out of his grasp, "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to do something that is actually worth my time, unlike standing here and talking to a ginger idiot."

As George watched Cerise walk off, he couldn't help but frown. They were all friends once; Cerise, him, Fred, Loralei, and Lee — they were all the best of friends. Until, one day, Cerise started being a bitch to him and Fred. . . Mostly him, but sometimes Fred.

He missed her friendship, but he knew, Cerise would rather be dead than be friends with them again.

Sighing to himself, he turned around and searched for Fred. As soon as he saw Fred, his twin noticed the frown and sad look that was on his face.

Fred's eyes narrowed, "What has she done this time, Georgie?"

It was very clear, to Fred, that George still had the biggest crush on Cerise. Ever since they first met, he had fancied her, Fred didn't understand why anymore.

At first, he did. Cerise was and still is an incredibly gorgeous person, but unlike back then when she was nice and greeted them with a smile, she was now a bitch and greeted them with a glare.

Fred had no idea what changed. As George told Fred about their entire encounter, Fred was beyond angry, he was absolutely livid. He never cared when Cerise was mean to him, but when she was mean to George, and made fun of their dream job, that was crossing the line.

"So, here's the plan. . ." Fred trailed off, noticing George's frown. "We aren't going to prank her. . . Yet."

George shook his head, "We are not pranking her at all," He said, looking at Fred. "You know how she is. . . She will only hate us more!"

Fred smirked, "Am I right by guessing you still have the fattest crush on her, Georgie?" He said, and when George avoided his eyes, his smirk grew wider. "Okay, well, scratch the original plan. I have something way better!"

George was now confused. "What's your plan now?"

Fred didn't answer for a while, and then he dragged George to a quiet corridor. "Before I tell you the plan, just know we will have to get Loralei, Cho or Cedric involved —"

A/N: The twins are yum.

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