Chapter Thirty Six

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𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁 of view: 𝑦𝑜𝑢

Rachel lay awake that morning, staring at the ceiling, replaying the promise Rolf had made the night before. A massage. She had been looking forward to it, imagining the feeling of his strong hands working out the tension from her muscles, easing away every bit of stress that had built up over the past few days. It wasn’t just the idea of relaxation she craved—it was him. His touch, his warmth, the way he made her feel so completely connected.

She rolled over, glancing at his sleeping form beside her. Rolf was still lost in dreams. His back rose and fell with the rhythm of his steady breaths. She reached out tentatively, brushing a finger along his arm. There was something about the way Rolf touched her that made her feel grounded, like she wasn’t just a collection of anxious thoughts and worries but a person, whole and alive. She had wanted so badly to kiss him awake, to steal just one more moment with him before the day pulled them apart. But she hesitated, not wanting to disturb the serene image he made.

Too bad the massage session couldn't go as planned..and he had no idea, since he was in his peaceful slumber.

His tousled hair fell over his eyes, and his lips formed a soft pout, painting a picture of innocence that tugged at her heart. She felt an ache of longing, wishing she could stay in that moment forever, but duty called, and the day awaited her.

In a rush, she slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb him. The urgency of Zhavia’s early call echoed in her mind—a seminar at school she couldn’t afford to miss. As she dressed in her uniform, she cast one last look at Rolf, her heart heavy with the thought of leaving him behind. In a moment of impulse, she scribbled a quick note on a bright red sticky pad and placed it beside his pillow, hoping it would catch his eye when he awakened.

••  ••  ••

The seminar dragged on, Mr. Coleman’s voice blending into the background as Rachel’s mind wandered back to Rolf. She hadn’t heard from him since she left the note. Normally, they’d exchange a few messages or at least a word through their bond, but today—silence.

"Miss Fenrer, are you paying attention?" Mr. Coleman’s voice jolted her back to reality as she sat in class, the words 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒚 registering. The chalkboard was filled with equations and theories, but her mind was far away, still tangled in thoughts of her mate.

Rachel straightened in her seat, trying to act like she hadn’t just been miles away. "Yes, sir," she replied with as much confidence as she could muster, even though she’d barely caught a word of his lecture.

"Okay." He replied, suddenly losing interest in her, and proceeded with his statement as he headed back to the board.
Beside her, Zhavia leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I know you weren’t paying attention," she mouthed, a teasing smirk tugging at her lips.

Rachel shot her a playful glare, sticking out her tongue. "Shut up."

The bell rang, signaling the end of class, but Rachel’s mood didn’t lift. She trudged to lunch with Zhavia, the bustling cafeteria filled with laughter and chatter, but she felt disconnected, as if she were watching from behind a glass wall. Why was the day so bad and boring?
As they found a table in the bustling cafeteria, she absentmindedly sipped her orange juice, letting the sweet liquid flood her senses while Zhavia dug into her meal.

"Wanna tell me that the training session got you so fit that you feel like you need no food?" Zhavia asked, raising an eyebrow as she sprinkled salt over her fries.

Rachel shrugged, taking a half-hearted sip of the juice. "Not really. Just… don’t have an appetite."

Zhavia raised an eyebrow. "Mmh, that's don't look okay." Her tone was light, but her eyes were searching, concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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