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When all your life you have been told that you are insignificant at some point you start to believe it.

Or so I've been told. Not me though I don't care what the world thinks of me probably because I am invisible to them until I am needed for something.

I am one of those people whose importance only matters when they are required for some chore, but I don't mind it. I think I actually enjoy it at some level because when you are ignored and neglected you can do whatever you want, whenever you want.

"Can you please stop living in your world and be present with us peasants for once" Stella says snapping me out of my daze.

"Sorry, there is just something about the night sky. I get lost in it even when I try not to." I said.

"Yeah, sure" Stella says in a sarcastic voice.

She doesn't understand my obsession with space and planets, honestly neither do I. Perhaps it has something to do with my name, skye.

I don't exactly know when I became Skye from Annika or why everyone calls me that but I like it and by everyone I mean my two friends.
Stella and Louis have stuck by me ever since I moved to New York. It's quite weird because all three of us don't have anything in common. Louis is British, Stella is a French princess and me, well I am a nobody.
A nobody who can't even remember who she was before new York.

Actually we do have one thing in common, we are all freaks of nature.

We live in a world where a small group of people developed faster than others hence resulting in our powers.
When some people become better than the rest the smaller amount is usually the one that is shunned out. I guess that's why the princess of France is sneaking out with us in the middle of the night from a astronomy tower.

"You two need to come down it's dangerous up there" says Adam, Stella's bodyguard.

"They'll be fine it's not their first time" Louis yells.

"Shhhh someone will hear you genius" I whisper-shout.

"So what we can deal with them" Louis says sparkling his fingers with electricity.

"Doesn't mean we need to, let's just go before someone sees us" Stella wisphers.

She's right, we do need to leave but I can't help but be sad about it. Ever since I moved here the only thing I know that was and still is, is the sky. It existed before I forgot about myself and it still is, perhaps that's why it gives me comfort to know that something's never change.

"Okay let's go"vI say finally not wanting to leave.

"It's fine bash can bring you back here whenever you want you just have to ask him, nicely" Stella snickers.

"Right cause thats gonna happen. I'd rather jump off of here than ask him for help".

"He's not that bad you know" Stella defends her brother.

"I know but I still don't like him."

"Let's go, now" Adam shouts as we get down.

I leave with a heavy heart knowing that even if I do forget whatever I do remember the sky won't. It sees everything, it remembers everything.

When I come back it's still gonna be the same, I think.

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