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I was too tired to stay up for long after dessert, so I came back to my bedroom after bidding everyone goodbye.
As I enter my room I notice the post-its I have placed on every surface I could.
Every note had an important detail of my life written on it.
Louis said I wouldn't need them.
He sounded pretty convincing but looking at them now, I don't want to take them down.
I can't take them down.
No matter how much I pretend to be okay or how good Louis and his family make me feel, it's all for a few moments and when those moments pass, I am terrified.
Today reminded me of my first time in New York.
I remembered just how scared I was when I first found myself here. 6 months later, not much has changed.
I still don't remember anything from before that time and that which I do remember, I keep forgetting.
I don't want to forget anything else.
And these post-its are just my insurance policy, in case I do.
So I leave them stuck to the walls and tables and find my way into my bed.

I woke up with a jolt.
'Another nightmare' I thought to myself.
My room was calm which was a relief but then I saw the water in the jug moving, which meant the room shook, again.
With a sigh I leave my bed to clean up since the nightmares make me sweaty.
Louis didn't barge in my room tonight so I guess the tremors weren't too bad.
After leaving the bathroom I go straight for my phone on the nightstand as I know that I won't be sleeping anymore.
It has a few notifications which is not very surprising since most of the messages were from Stella checking in but the one that caught my attention was not from her.
It was from her brother.
I wonder what he wants now.

“Saw the video, you alright?”- His Majesty

That's all that the text said and as surprised as I was to hear from him after months, I was more surprised to know that he was checking up on me.
And what video is he talking about?

“What video?”- Me

I waited for his response for a few seconds. He had read the text but wasn't replying for some reason.

“Do you always answer a question with another question? It's not very polite you know”-His Majesty

“You just did the same thing”-Me

“I guess I did but then again we both know that I'm not polite”- His Majesty

“Believe me I know that”- Me

“So are you going to answer my question?”-His Majesty

“I’m fine, not that it's any of your concern”-Me

“You aren't well, so I'm going to let this one slide. Get rest.”-His Majesty

“No wait. What video? and how do you know I'm not well? Did Stella tell you?”-Me

“Yes Stella told me”-His Majesty

“Sebastian, why are you avoiding the question? What video? What did you see?”-Me

“It's nothing important. Don't worry yourself with trivial things. Go to sleep, it's late. Good night Skye”-His Majesty

With that he was gone. He went offline and never texted me back. So here I am, scouring the internet looking for a video that is somehow related to me.
Unfortunately it doesn't take me long to find it.
It's a video of me sitting in the middle of our school campus, bawling my eyes out.
I look like a deer caught in the headlights at first and then I just sit right there on the floor and start crying until Stella takes me away.
After that I do the one thing no one should do. I read the comments.
Every comment on that post was meaner than the one before it.
I knew I shouldn't let it bother me.
None of those people actually knew what happened but that's how social media works. Nobody cares about reality as long as they get views.
While I was suffering in that field people were making videos instead of helping me.
And now they are talking about why I was there or what I was doing since no one could understand that. They were making up stories, calling me names and wishing they were present to witness my suffering themselves because it would be hilarious.

Is this the video Bash was talking about?
Yes, this must be it, because Stella wouldn't tell him, not this.
I'm sure he agrees with my other classmates and people on the internet, I mean he was the first person to tell me I'm crazy.
Now the entire world knows it.
Of course he would find this trivial.
I forwarded the video to him just for confirmation.

Is this what you saw?”-Me

He didn't reply but I got my answer.
I threw my phone aside and got in bed again determined to not cry again.
I'm done crying.

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