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I waved Sophia goodbye as the cab driver started the car.
The entire ride I kept searching for deserted areas around the world. Places where I can use my powers without hurting anyone.
I found a couple of locations that would work but there was still a problem.
I don't have a training partner.
Dr. Xavier won't let me go anywhere alone and I can't take Louis. He won't even agree to let me practise outside the school and even if some miracle occurs and he does I'll still have to do everything his way.
He won't let me take any risk and without risk I will never be able to gain control.
Stella can't help either. She is the same, besides Adam won't ever let the two of us go to a deserted location that too to practise our powers.
Neither do I know anyone else.
I sigh again as the can reaches the destination and I get off.
Granny is waiting for me in the kitchen.
As soon as I enter the house she asks a million questions, none of which I have an answer to.

"Are you gonna say something? What happened? Did the doctor say something? What did the report say?" She kept asking.
"They are going to send the report to Dr. Xavier in the evening. She'll tell you if something happens." I replied.
"Okay. Did you eat anything?" She asked again.
"Yes, granny. I'm full. Also I'm kind of tired so can I go to my room?" I asked, not wanting to continue this conversation.
"Of course, sweetie. Go rest." She answered.

As soon as I reach my bedroom, I flop on the mattress exhausted by the day's events.
The lack of sleep didn't help either.
I texted Dr. Xavier that I've safely reached home and was about to throw my phone aside when it buzzed with a new message.

His Majesty...

'What does he want now?' I think to myself.

"Didn't take you for someone who runs and hides."-His Majesty

"I am not."-Me

"Is that why you didn't come to school?"-His Majesty


"Are you avoiding me then?"-His Majesty


"Have you forgotten how to speak too?"-His Majesty

Red covers my vision as I angrily call him. Texting won't suffice now.
He answers it on the first ring.

"To what do I owe the pleasure mi amie?" he drawls.
"I'm not your friend. I know how to speak and I'm not running or hiding. If that answers all your questions I'd like to never speak to you again." I practically scream into my phone. Sebastian gets a rise out of me like nobody else does.
"Oh but that isn't the end of my questions. Where were you today if not school and I heard you aren't going to work either. Why's that?" he asks, making me more irritated.
"What does it matter to you? And how do you even know I'm not going to work? Are you stalking me now?" I counter.
"I already told you sweetheart it's not polite to ask a question in answer to a question." He speaks calmly, my anger having no effect on him.
"I don't want to be polite to you. Are you stalking me?" I asked.
"Don't give yourself so much credit fluer you were a one time thing. I've already had my fun with you. Now answer me where were you?" he said. His words cut deeper than I thought they would. Fun. Of course that's all it was for him. I knew it was. It still hurts, though but I'm determined to not let him affect me anymore.
"Don't call me names. Don't talk to me. Don't ever text me again and stay away from me." I say slowly trying not to lose my calm which was already faltering.
I hung up the phone immediately after that, not giving him a chance to say anything.
I threw my phone on the bed and went to clean up.

Fun. Left-overs. Hand-outs.
Sebastian devereaux has called me more names than I remember but every time his words sting harder than the last.
He has made his life's mission to torment me, I guess.
And he is doing a great job at it too.
Every time I try to be angry at him or say something that might hurt him or at the very least get a rise out of him it backfires.
Somehow he is always the one in power.
And I'm always the victim.
I stared at my reflection longer than I intended to, trying to recognise the person in front of me. Trying to remember something, anything at all. But all I manage to do is start crying. Exhaustion and fear is a great combination to lose control over your emotions.
I cry until my eyes are dry. I had decided this morning that I wouldn't cry anymore but I can't stop.
I'm so tired.
I'm so tired of being so clueless.
Of not knowing anything about myself.

When I finally stopped crying I washed my face and changed into a sleeping shirt as I knew I was about to pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The second I left the washroom I froze.

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