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Corentin-meaning- hurricane.
That is exactly what Louis Xavier is.
A hurricane. A disaster. A complete and total arsehole.
Witty and fun at times.
Dangerous and disastrous at others.
He is the life of parties. Everyone wants him there. Every girl in our wants to be his. Every guy in our school wants a chance to hit him hard at least once.
Sometimes I'm one of the latter mostly because I spend all my time with him. We live under the same roof. We go to the same school. We have the same small but nice friend Circle. And we both share talent of wrecking things without wanting them to.
That's why even when he calls me out i don't get mad because he goes through the same thing.  Or at least did before he learnt to control it. He says one day I'll be able to control the tremors too. I don't really belive him.
I want to. I really do. But I can't.

For the past 6 months all I've tried to do is to control the tremors, to not destroy anything ,but I can't.
If I don't destroy the things around me ,I destroy the ones inside me.
Everytime I try to stop the shaking too push the tremors back inside I just end up on the DL(disabled list).
My bones shatter in every place possible and I'm left helpless for days.
It makes me hate myself even more.
Perhaps that's why my parents, is i have one, abandoned me.

"So ladies what's the plan for this evening?"Louis asks me and Stella while handing me my third cup of coffee.
"I have no plans so I'm open to anything"says Stella which is new because she always has something to do.
"I have an idea we sho-"I start to speak.
"NO!!"they both both shout.
"What? I didn't even finish the sentence".I try to defend myself.
"We both know what you were gonna say"Stella says.
"Which is?"i ask.
"Let's go to the astronomy tower"louis said in a shril voice trying to make himself sound like a woman.
"I was not"I lie."and that's not how I sound"
"LIAR! That's exactly what you were gonna say and that's how you sound trust me."Louis says.
"Even though I hate to side with corentin ,he is right that is what you were gonna say but that's not how you sound,don't worry"Stella tries to comfort me.
"Ugh! What is so wrong with the tower that you both hate it so much?"I ask.
"What is so good about it that you love it so much?"Stella asks me.
I remain silent because I don't know that answer myself. I don't know why I love space and the astronomy tower as much as I do.
Stella puts her hand on mine and says"I know you think space and sky has some relation to your past or perhaps it'll make you remember something, but we have been going there almost everyday for 3 months. You don't remember anything. Maybe it's time to forget it".
"Forget what exactly. I need to remember something to forget it. I don't even know my own name"I say defeated by my own mind which won't let me remember my past.
"Maybe... Just maybe there is a reason you forgot all that. Maybe you were supposed to start new."Stella's comforting words only do so much tho my pain.
"Hey, we know this is hard for you. We get it and we wanna help. We really do. Don't shut us out. That's not gonna help anyone."Louis says finally. I put my head down on the table not wanting to continue this conversation.
Both of them share a look and then Louis says softly"If you want to go to the tower we'll go with you". He puts a hand on my head making me look up.
"Really?"I ask.
They smile and nod their heads.i smile back.
I don't know why I ended up where I did but if it were to find good friends I most definitely succeeded.
"That is if you can convince Adam though. Think you're up for the challenge?"Stella asks me.
"Oh.. Don't worry about that. I can convince him"I say confidently.

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