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I didn't know how long had passed since my conversation with Sebastian but I was pretty hungry, so I grabbed the sandwich he had left behind and started munching on it.

"You left without me" a familiar voice said and I knew who it was before even looking up.

"I had work" I lied to louis who was towering over me with an unusual frown.

"Bullshit. You were trying to ignore me." he says, taking a seat in front of me.

"So what if I was?" I say still not looking him in the eye.

He sighs deeply . I can tell that he doesn't want to fight again.

"I'm truly sorry about last night, love. I am. I was awful to you and I said so many things without thinking. You know how I am, I say first ,think later." Louis apologises.

"And that's an excuse for treating me like that?" I ask angrily.

"No. Of course not, but i can't really change what i already did now can i? I felt terrible about hurting you both physically and emotionally. I didn't even sleep all night."

"Are you gonna say something or we are going to sit in this awkward silence?" he asked instantly without giving me a chance to think or speak. Sometimes I forget how impatient he truly is.

" I don't know what to say. You were awful to me last night. You really hurt me." I say finally, my voice is more meek than I intended it to be.

"And I'm really really sorry about that, Skye. Please forgive me. I promise I'm never ever bringing Bash up again, ever." he promised. I knew he meant everything he was saying right now.

"Its okay. I was pretty harsh too. Can you forgive me?" I apologise too knowing half of it was my fault.

"Of course. You're my best friend, I'll always forgive you." He beams down at me looking like a child who has just been handed a candy.

"Now can we go back home and get your hand checked out? It's been killing me all night." he asks. His voice was laced with worry.

A pang of guilt hits me as I realise that he has been worried all night for me and I left him behind just to avoid him. I look down at my healed hand and say" Yeah I don't think that will be necessary."

"Why not?" he asks.

I raise my already healed hand to show him.

He is quite confused.

"How did it heal so fast?" he asks me, still not understanding what happened.

"Sebastian healed it." I say quietly.

"I'm sorry what?" he practically shouts.

"He was here earlier, he saw my hand and offered to heal it. I didn't really had a reason to say no so I accepted his help."

A muscle jumped in louis' jaw. I'm already regretting my choice .

"He willingly offers to heal you." he said mostly to himself.

"Yeah, he did." I whisper to myself, staring at my hands.

"Why? What is he doing here so early anyway?" he asks.

"I don't know. Why are you so bothered anyway? Isn't he your friend?" I tried to change the topic but it didn't work.

"Just because he is my friend doesn't mean i trust him with you" he said, his voice firmer and more harsh than I'm used to.

"You don't have to trust him with me. I'm pretty sure I'm never speaking to him again, not after today's conversation." I want to take back the last part just as they leave my mouth. Louis doesn't need to know about this morning. No one does.

"Why? What did he say to you?" he asked, not missing anything.

"Nothing of importance." I tried to deflect it but Louis is just as stubborn and persistent as Sebastian. Which, according to me, is the main reason for their friendship.

"Skye, did he hurt you?" he asked, his eyes flaring with anger.

"What? No no. He didn't do anything. You don't have to be worried." I reassured him.

"Hmm" he hummed, not really wanting to back down already, but also not wanting to push me further.

"We still have time before class. Wanna take a walk?" I ask, trying to get his mind off of Sebastian, again. My efforts weren't a total waste this time as he nodded and got up from his seat.

I gather my notebooks and get up to follow him out of the classroom.

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