16. Worried

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Louis' POV:

Skye walked beside me silently. Both of us enjoying the warmth of the sun on a winter morning. She smiled at me politely as I looked at her. I mustered up the best and the most real smile that I could.

I didn't want to upset her again but I was pretty pissed off about the Bash situation.

He was my friend, he still is even if we don't spend that much time together anymore, but he is a player. I know him. I have known him since we were 11. We both triggered our mutations at the same time, and ever since he figured out that he could manipulate people and fool them with his illusions, he has only used it for his enjoyment. He has only ever abused his gifts for his personal use.

That is what he did with Skye. He deceived her with his illusions, almost made her fall in love with him and when he was done playing with her, he tossed her aside as he had done to several other girls before.

I never liked it but I always knew why he did what he did, because he craved attention. Attention from his mother 'The Queen of France'. He thinks he needs to do it, he needs to be at the top of the chaos so that his mother would, if even for a minute, stop pretending that he does not exist.

I always stayed by his side because I know that he is not a bad person but I guess all I have ever done is turn a blind eye to his deeds. Maybe I also did it because I,too, was a part of it. I certainly enjoyed the popularity, the fame, money, and the girls that came along with him, I guess I still would if given the chance, but after seeing my best friend almost break because of him, I don't want him around. I don't want to be around him either.

He won't be alone if I distance myself from him, he has plenty of people ready to throw themselves at him. He is a prince after all, even if in exile.

Though I think he might be a little lonely, since I am the only person besides Stella and Skye who never cared about his status.

"Earth to louis" Skye snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask, not remembering what she was talking about.

"I asked if you are, okay?You seem stressed." she asks with concern on her face.

"Stressed? ME? Come on Skye, you know I don't get stressed. I stress people out." I smile at her while I lie through my teeth. She doesn't need to know that though, it's best if she and everyone else thinks that I have no worries.

"Louis, I think I know you better than that. I know you like to pretend that you are all carefree and have no worries, but I have been living with you for the past 6 months, I know that is all it is, an act. If something is bothering you, you can talk to me. I know I might not always have a solution but it's better than not talking at all." she told me, her voice softer than before.

I sigh deeply. Sometimes I forget how compassionate she is. Why does she have to be so good to everyone?

"I don't want you to be around, bash." I say before thinking.

She frowns and her reaction told me that I should have chosen a better set of words.

"You don't get a say in who I am around and if you think you do you are highly mistaken" she said trying to keep her composer which I can see her losing.

"Shit.... wait that's not what i meant. I know I have no say in anything that you do and I'm not trying to control you I swear." I try to fix my mistake immediately, totally forgetting about her control-freak mania.

I sigh, not knowing how to explain it to her but I continue anyway.

"I just know him. He is complicated and he is really great at tricking people into believing whatever he says so I just don't want you to believe that him helping you or healing your hand means that he is changing."

"I don't think he is changing. Do you think I am so naive?" she asks, clearly offended.

"No. You're not naive, but you do think that people are capable of changing. You,love,see the very best in people and I personally love that quality, but some people never change."

"I know that. I also know that Sebastian is incapable of being anything more than he is. He will never be more than 'THE PRINCE', and I don't expect him to be better. He only healed my hand because Stella would make him do that later anyway. You don't have to worry about me." she said confidently. I'm not sure I completely believed her, but I didn't feel like continuing this conversation any longer, so I just nodded.

"Okay. Just be careful. I don't want to murder my first ever best friend." I say half-jokingly.

"Why would you murder him?" she asks, confused by my statement.

"If he hurts you again somebody will have to avenge you." I smirk at her.

She pushed me a little laughing at my joke.

"Okay let's go now, our class is going to start any minute" she says walking away from me.

I run towards her and sling my arm around her.

Finally, I have my best friend with me, and she is not upset or hurt anymore.

I smile to myself when I remember.

"By the way, Granny's back" I tell Skye.

"What? And all this time you were busy giving me shit about bash." she hits me on my arm.

"Owww...sorry. I forgot okay." I say while rubbing my arm where she hit me.

"Anyway. I can't wait to go back home" she says, all excited about meeting grams.

"Yeah, she was looking for you too. She'll be happy to see you." I reply smiling back.

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