2. School

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It's strange knowing that we live in a world where one person can shake the very Earth itself. That too unknowingly.
But it is what it is.
6 months ago I found myself in New York.I didn't remember how I came here or who I am.
I didn't know anyone here and had nowhere to go to.
That's when I met Louis.
Well I didn't exactly meet him, he zapped me with his powers when I tried to talk to him thinking that i am a stalker.
Yeah, he controls lightning.
Pretty cool right.
It's not when you get zapped by it.
He felt really bad for hurting me so he brought me to his parents house.
For some reason his parents took an immediate liking of me , which was weird because I couldn't even remember my own name.
I like his parents though. They are sweet and they don't seem to mind the occasional earthquakes.

Their likeness of me might have something to do with my brown origin cause Louis's mom is also brown and she is the one who gave me my name,Annika.
It's nice I like it.
It means Grace something I severely lack.
That's why everyone calls me skye.
It kinda suits me because of my obsession with sky and space and planets and everything related to them.
Though it is strange since my powers are related to the ground.
Yeah, I can create and absorb vibrations or in simple words make earthquakes. Sometimes unknowingly.

A knock on my door snaps me out of my hurkle durkle."Breakfast is ready, come on downstairs"Louis says without opening the door.
"You know you can come on right"I ask.
"Yeah, but you could be indecent."he counters.
"You didn't think about that when you barged into my room last night".I ask sarcastically.
"I was worried about you last night so no I didn't think nor did I care now get dressed and come downstairs before mom drags us both down."he warns me.

Dr.xavier is one of the sweetest person I know that is i know a very few people but she is amazing. Who else let's a stranger into their home and let's them stay for such a long time.

I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror I promise myself that today will be different, that I'll smile and it will be real, that I'll remember at least a tiny bit about myself.
I freshen up and go downstairs into the kitchen to greet the Xavier couple.
"Good morning"I smile at them.
"Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well".Dr.xavier asks me politely.
"Mom...seriously"louis looks at his mom in disbelief.
"What I just wanna know"she tries to defend herself.
"Of course, like you didn't feel the tremors last night"Louis scolds his mom.
"I just wanted to know how she's feeling thats all"she tells her son.
"I know ma'am and tes I slept just fine"I try to stop the argument from going any further.
"You know sweetie you can always ask for help. You can talk to me anytime you want"she tries to comfort me.
I know she is only thinking the best for me but she can be a little intrusive sometimes.
"Let the children breathe a little, honey"days mr.xavier saving me from further embarrassment.
I mouth him a thank you to which he replies with a smile and a wink.

Im not really embarrassed of talking about my amnesia but what bothers me the most is that in the last 6 months not a single person came looking for me.As if I didn't matter to anyone. And since there is no record of me anywhere it's almost impossible to find my family.
It's almost like I didn't exist until 6 months ago.

"So what's the plan for today,kids"asks Mr.Xavier.
"Dad we are not kids anymore"Louis argues with his dad.
"Of course, not my fault"he said smirking at his choclate shake.
"School first and then work"I replied his earlier question.
"You know darling, maybe you should take the day off from school and work you had a rough night"he suggestes.
"It's alright, sir. I'll be fine"I say politely.
"You sure."he asks again.
"Yeah"I say not very convincingly.
"Okay enough chit chat, kids get ready to leave or you'll be late"dr.xavier tells us and so we do.

"We really should have waited for Stella the ride would have been much easier"Louis complains.
I roll my eyes at him"we can't always expect her to make things easier for us".
"Why not, she can. She is a freaking princess. Real royalty who just so happens to be our friend. Why not take advantage of that."Louis whines.
"Because it's wrong and we didn't become friends with her to take advantage of her power and status."I try to reason with him.
"We didn't?"I smack him on the arm.
"Okay, okay. I get it. We didn't."
"I still don't like walking to school"
"It's a 10 min walk."
"And I still don't like it"
"Hey guys, what's going on?"Stella joins us at the gate of our school.
"Just lou being lou nothing new"I reply.
"Is he still complaining about walking to school"she asks.
"Hey Adam, and yes he is"I greet her bodyguard.
"Can we just go in, we'll be late"Louis says annoyed at our conversation.
"Fine let's go."
And so we go inside the only mutant school in New York.

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