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Louis' POV:

I couldn't sleep after that awful conversation last night. Worse I couldn't finish my ice cream. God I hate Skye sometimes. As if my guilt over yelling at her wasn't enough she had to go out of her way to make me feel worse last night.
I don't get this girl. She says she wants a family but completely ignores the one in front of her.
Who does that?
And why is she so mad at me? What did I do? Ugh..... My head hurts.
All I want is for her to not keep hurting herself and that is all I told her, maybe not in a very kind way, but my intentions were good. Doesn't that counts for something? It should.
Yes ,maybe I could have tried to talk to her instead of yelling and yes ,bringing up bash last night was and awful ,awful mistake, one I'll never make again, but can't she see that I'm trying to protect her.
I didn't want this to get so messed up.
I knew listening to Stella would screw things up, yet I fell for it, and now I'm at the top of Skye's hate list. I really should have stayed out of this.

I rub a hand across my face trying to get rid of sleep since it's almost morning. It was all too quiet last night, I guess that idiot didn't sleep either.
I didn't mean to hurt her. I never meant to hurt her, she's my best friend but I think I have, a lot.
I just hope I can fix this.
I get out of bed to get ready for school and think about how to fix my mistake.

"Hey baby. How are you?"I'm instantly greeted by mum the second I enter the kitchen.
"I'm okay mum. When did you get back from work?" I ask her surprised to see her back so early. She usually isn't back from her night shifts till after we leave for school.
"Just got back,darling. And guess who's here?" She says all excited.
"Lewis Hamilton?" I reply sarcastically taking a bite out of my breakfast. Someone hits me at the back of my head.
I turn back ready to pick another fight with skye thinking it's her, hoping it was her.
"Don't sass your mum"granny says smiling down at me.
"Grans you're back. How are you?"I hug my grandmother happy to have her back home.
"Yes yes I'm back and I'm better than ever. Now where is my little girl?" She asks me looking around for someone.
"Uh...grans your little girl isn't little anymore remember?"I ask almost worried about her.
She smacks me again.
"Not your mum. I'm taking about Annika. Where is she? I haven't seen her in ages." She explains.
"Oh.... I'll go get her" I tell her and just add in about to leave mum stops me.
"Darling Anni left for school already. Didn't you know? She said she had some extra work she needed to catch up on."mum tells me.
'She left without me. She really doesn't want me around' I think but don't voice my thoughts. Instead I tell my mother that I knew that, I just forgot.
She doesn't suspects anything, perhaps she's too tired from work to see my terrible acting.
Granny,on the other hand, understands that something's wrong.
"It's nothing grans. Just a stupid fight. She did have work though" I try to convince her.

Stupid fight. That's what I told grans.
That's what I think it is. Just another stupid fight. That's what I desperately hope skye thinks too.
I leave for school sooner than usual hoping to catch her before class.
I really need to fix this before everyone knows I fucked up.
I need to tell skye that I'm sorry and that I didn't mean that last comment.
Ugh.....I need to solve this problem before it gets out of control.

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