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The four of us entered a local diner. None of us had said anything during the ride. 
Louis had been uncharacteristically quiet the whole time which just made me more nervous. 
I didn't exactly know why because it wasn't my fault but I still didn't want him to be upset.
We just had a fight. I didn't want another. 
We took a seat while Adam went outside to make a call. An excuse to avoid teenage drama. 
A pretty waitress greeted us and took our order. 
I stick with black coffee as I knew I wouldn't be able to keep any food down for a while. 
She left soon to get the order.

“Louis, you have been quiet for a while. Everything okay?” Stella pointed towards the elephant in the room. 
“Hmmm,fine,” Louis grumbled.
“Are you sure? You don't look fine.”she spoke again trying to get him to talk. 
“How do I look?” He asks. 
Stella and I both spoke at the same time.
He finally looked towards me, the first time since he got inside the car. 
I knew that he knew about what had happened back at the school, it was obvious, but I still wished he didn't. 
“I'm not,” he said, looking at both of us now. 
“Okay” Stella said. I simply nodded. 
I keep telling myself that I shouldn't be worried, that it wasn't my fault, but it kind of was.
If I hadn't followed Sebastian, I could have counted my steps back to the gate and not get lost. But I did exactly what Louis told me not to do. Just this morning he had asked me to be careful and to maintain my distance from him but I didn't because I'm an idiot.
The waitress comes back with our order.
“Do you want anything to eat?” Stella asks me.
“No, I'm good.” I answered her without looking.
“Okay but if you change your mind the chef makes an amazing burger” the waitress says smiling down at me.
I smile back at her. 
“I'll have one of those,” Louis says to the waitress as she leaves. 
I look at him questioningly since he already had a plate full of food in front of him 
“You should eat something.” He said and went back to eating his fries. 
He puts the burger in front of me as soon as it arrives and thanks the waitress. 
“I don't wanna eat.” I say looking down at the plate. I'm hungry as all I've eaten since morning is a sandwich but the thought of accidentally throwing up is scary. I've embarrassed myself enough for one day. 
“He's right Skye, you need to eat. Have you eaten anything since the morning?” Stella agreed with him which only irritated me more. 
“I don't want to eat.” I say again. 
“Never asked if you do.” Louis says ignoring my protest. 
He then looked at Stella and said “Make sure she eats, I'll be back.” As if I'm five. 
“I'm sitting right here and I heard you the first time. I don't want to eat, so I won't. Stop treating me like a child” I snarled at him.
“Then don't act like one” he says before leaving me and surekha alone. 
I huff in anger and disbelief. 
“Do not take his side.” I say before Stella has a chance to do so. 
“I wasn't going to” she lies.
“Yeah, you were,” I replied.
“Maybe I was because he's right. You need to eat something and then tell me all about what the freaking hell is going on between you two. Last night was one thing but I haven't seen him or you so agitated in a long time. Did something happen after I left?” She asked.
I could tell that she was worried and I have been wanting to talk to her for a while now. Since we girls were alone right now I started telling her everything that had happened since she left last night.
From my argument with Louis to the reconciliation and everything in between. She listened to me ramble on about everything patiently.
When I was done she simply handed me that burger and asked me to eat.
“I can't.”is all I said.
“You got everything out of your system. It'll be fine. Coffee can't fill you up, you need something solid to rebuild your strength. Bash might have healed your hand but you are still weak from all the shit you have gone through today.” She explained and tried to coax me into eating. 
Once I took a bite she started talking. 
“So Louis exploded, explains his mood. He hated losing control.Bash healed your hand, so he fell asleep,after being a complete dick to you. Well that just sounds like my brother. But what I don't understand is why would you feel guilty about him getting scolded. You didn't ask him to help you. It was his choice.” 
“I know but……….ugh…..I’m insane.” I put my head on the table. 
“That you are but not for doing this.” She says smiling at me. 
I give her a questioning look. 
“You thought that he was tired because he healed you, so you felt bad for him, even if he is a total asshole. But what you don't know is that he was partying last night which is why he never slept, hence the tiredness. I'm sure he never mentioned that.” she explains. 
“Partying? On a school night?” I ask.
“School night has never stopped him from doing what he wants.” she replied. 
“So it wasn't my fault.” I say rather than ask.
“No it wasn't.” Stella still replies to my non-question.
“What wasn't your fault? Louis says while putting his phone away. 
“Nothing” Stella answers for me. 
I thank her silently. 
A few minutes pass quietly as no one speaks.
Louis breaks the silence with a question I wasn't expecting.
“Are you okay?”
“Word travels fast,huh?” Stella joked.
I wanted to say yes and I wanted to mean it but I wasn't sure that I was so I stayed silent.
He had already got his answer. 
He stood up as Adam finally came back inside and went to pay our bill. 
“Let's go home.” He said already grabbing his and my bags. 
“I have work,” I answered. 
“You aren't going to work today, I talked to your boss, she's fine with it and said you can skip work for as long as you need” he explains without looking at me. 
“When did you do that?” I ask.
“Just now.” He said as he left without sparing either of us a second glance. 
Stella gave me a sympathetic look as she grabbed my hand “Don't fight with him. He is bossy at times but he is doing it for you. You need rest. Ditch school tomorrow if you don't feel any better, okay? And please be safe.” She says and then hugs me.
I sigh with relief of getting everything out of my chest. 
“Call me if you need to talk, anytime” she smiles. I smile back at her and nod.
“Bye. Bye Adam.” I bid them goodbye and start to leave. 
“Be safe, kid.” Adam replies as he waves back.

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