006, hermione's campaign!

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THE NEXT DEFENSE AGAINST THE Dark Arts lesson came by quickly, and this time, Cerise and Loralei had switched seats with Fred and George

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THE NEXT DEFENSE AGAINST THE Dark Arts lesson came by quickly, and this time, Cerise and Loralei had switched seats with Fred and George. After the last lesson, Cerise did not want to be upfront. The full hour had nearly passed, and Moody done nothing to upset the class this time; He just talked them through the three curses, and had been explaining what each curse actually does.

Cerise had dozed off, and her head hit the desk, creating a loud THUMP! Eyes glanced in her direction as she sat herself up, rubbing her forehead. There was a red mark, and she had a feeling it would bruise by lunch.

"Got bored did ya, Miss Diggory?" Moody said, making all the class glance back and forth between the teacher and student. "Is my lesson boring you?"

Cerise pursed her lips, "Just a little bit, Professor," she answered, leaning back in her chair. "Well, actually, it is boring me a lot!"

Moody smirked, "Well, my next lesson won't be as boring," he told her, before looking over the full class. "Next lesson, I will be placing you all under the imperius curse. You all need to be able to resist it."

"Isn't that illegal, though?" Cedric piped up, "You just told us how and why it is illegal."

"Professor Dumbledore wants me to teach it to you guys — so you know what it feels like, and so that you're able to resist it." The Professor said to everyone, "The D— You-Know-Who will more than likely rise again, you need to be able to fight off this curse."

"Yeah, we fight off the curse, and then he kills us," Cerise commented, "And I highly doubt he will return, so if you don't mind, I will be leaving to do something that's actually worth my time."

Cerise packed away her things and left the classroom. Loralei sighed, placing her head in her hands as she waited for the rest of the hour to pass. Without Cerise sat next to her, Loralei was incredibly bored.

Once Moody dismissed the class, Loralei sprung out of her seat and rushed out — she was eager to find Cerise, until two twins stopped her. "Oi, Loralei!" Fred yelled, rushing to catch up to her, "George and I need your help."

Cerise was minding her own business, sitting in the library, reading a book. She was so focussed on the book that she didn't notice a fourth year in Gryffindor approach her.

"You — You're Cerise Diggory, aren't you?"

It was Hermione Granger, Cerise noticed her from the Quidditch World Cup. Cerise gave her a small smile and a nod. "And you're Hermione Granger?"

Hermione nodded, smiling brightly. "I was — I was wondering if you'd want to join S-P-E-W?" Seeing Cerise's confused face, she continued, "It stands for the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. It's a campaign — I was going to put Stop the Outrageous Abuse of Our Fellow Magical Creatures and Campaign for a Change in Their Legal Status — but it wouldn't fit. So that's the heading of our manifesto."

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