007, the glaring elves!

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THANKFULLY, THE NEXT FEW DAYS passed by rather quickly, and Cerise and Hermione had become quite close

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THANKFULLY, THE NEXT FEW DAYS passed by rather quickly, and Cerise and Hermione had become quite close. While Loralei had spent more time with Fred and George, Cerise spent most of her time with Hermione.

To say Cerise was beyond confused about Loralei suddenly becoming incredibly close with the twins would be an understatement.

Cerise was one of the last to reach the entrance hall, and she immediately spotted a huge crowd around a new sign. She stepped forward, going to read it, when Loralei appeared at her side.

"Do you think it's about the tournament?" Loralei asked, grabbing Cerise's arm and pulling her with her through the crowd. Cerise pushed people out of her way, before she gently pushed George out of her way. Fred and George rolled their eyes, watching Cerise push everyone else. At least she didn't push me as hard as she's pushing them, George thought with a roll of his eyes.




"Only a week away!" said Loralei, a smile appearing on her face. "Do you know what that means, Cerise?"

"No," Cerise said blankly, although she did know. Of course she knew, it was her favourite time of year. She saw Loralei's shocked face, and then she grinned, "Obviously I know. I'm not bloody thick, am I? — Yeah, don't answer that." 

"What else is next week?" Cerise heard Fred and George ask a Ravenclaw with black hair.

"Cedric's birthday," was the response. Cerise rolled her eyes. Of course Cho would forget it was her birthday too.

"Cho," Cerise said, "It's my birthday, too."

Cho pursed her lips. Cerise ignored the guilty look on her face, and pushed past them all. She was starting to get fed up with Cho — don't get her wrong, Cho is her bestfriend, and she always will be, but she was constantly dropping her for her brother. Just like her father and everyone else always does.

It's always Cedric this, and Cedric that — it is never Are you okay, Cerise? Or Do you want to do something today, Cerise? Cedric had always been the favourite — He is the Golden Boy of Hogwarts, he could never do anything wrong, he could never be mean.

Cerise was the complete opposite. Yes, she was a Hufflepuff, but she always said how she was feeling. She never sugarcoated anything. She didn't care about hurting anyone's feelings, she was much harder to handle.

Cedric was a people pleaser, Cerise was not.

Sighing to herself, Cerise sat herself down next to Cedric. He looked at her, a frown tugging at his lips once he saw the look on her face. It was rare to see Cerise look so upset.

"Are you okay, Cerise?" He asked. Cedric was the only person in her family that asks if she's okay, not even her mother does — she's always busy.

Cerise nodded, "Yep," she replied, "Just annoyed at Cho."

"What's she done this time?" Cedric asked his sister, letting Cerise lay her head on his shoulder. He closed his reading book.

"What hasn't she done!" She exclaimed loudly, "I'm supposed to be her best friend, right? Well, since you two started having sex, she's forgotten all about me! You're not even together, just bloody friends with benefits! Do you know she forgot we were twins? She didn't know we shared a birthday."

Cedric's face was bright red. "We — We aren't having s—"

"No need to lie to me," Cerise said to him, her face screwed up in disgust. "The last time I had a proper conversation with Cho, it was about your guys' sexual activity. Thankfully, I didn't listen to a word she said. I find it absolutely disgusting that you would lose your. . . Virginity to someone you aren't even dating."

Cedric, still red in the face, chuckled slightly. "She can be a bit needy sometimes," he admitted, "I really like her, but she's too. . . Clingy. That's why I haven't asked her out yet."

Surprise, surprise, Cho began approaching them with a bright smile. Cerise rolled her eyes, lifting her head off Cedric's shoulder, grabbing her things and walking off. She was unaware to the eyes of Fred and George watching her every move.

Loralei had disappeared, Hermione was fuck knows where. . . Cerise was alone. She had no one, nothing new there. She felt like she had nobody anymore.

Frowning, she sat herself in a far corner of the library. She had her head on the desk, and her fists were clenched. She could hear two chairs being pulled up to the other side of the desk.

"What the fuck to you twits want?" Cerise asked, not even looking up. She knew it was Fred and George, she wasn't stupid.

"To cheer you up," was George's reply.

"Great!" Cerise exclaimed sarcastically, "If you can stop Cho and Cedric from doing their. . . things, I'd be extremely grateful." She didn't even look at them, she knew they were smirking in amusement.

"We can't do that," Fred said.

"But we can—" George continued.

"Give her one of our shitty joke products," the twins finished in sync.

Cerise frowned, although they couldn't see it. "Great, do that!" She said, "Now, kindly piss off, I'm trying to sulk in peace, but it's hard to do that when I know I have two giraffe's staring right at me."

After she spoke, the twins grabbed a side of her each and dragged her out of the library. "HELP!" She began screaming, "I'M BEING KIDNAPPED! HE—"

George stuck his hand over Cerise's mouth. Cerise bit his hand and he pulled it away. "I don't know where your hand has been." She stated, her eyes widening once she noticed they were going to the kitchens. "I cannot go in there — the elves hate me."

"I highly doubt that," Fred said, dragging her into the kitchens. He noticed all the elves glaring in Cerise's direction. "Okay, maybe you were right. What did you do?"

Cerise pursed her lips, trying to hide her grin. "Uh, in first year, I — I tried to free them."

"You — what?" George asked, making Cerise repeat herself. The twins burst into laughter. "Was this before or after we became friends?"

"Befo— Why am I even talking to you?" Cerise muttered, managing to push Fred and George's hands off her arm. "Now I have to go scrub myself clean, I've probably caught a disease from you two peanuts."

"Now, that's not very nice," George said sarcastically. "You need to apologise to the house elves — they're glaring at you like you tried to murder them."

Cerise glared at George, "Great," she said, "They can continue to glare, too. I don't do apologies."

Fred sighed, "Cerise is incredibly sorry for what she done in first year," he said loudly, "She would love it if you all forgave her. She feels so bad."

Cerise eyed Fred weirdly. She does not feel bad. That was probably one of her favourite memories from Hogwarts. She didn't know why, everytime she looked back on it, she found it amusing.

"You two are weird," she commented, before turning around and heading for the door. "Oh, and just to let you elves know, I do not apologise."

A/N: I love Cerise, but I cannot wait for her to have character development.

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