008, a not-so-happy birthday!

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CERISE WAS WOKEN UP BY Loralei screaming the lyrics to Happy Birthday on the second to last day of October

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CERISE WAS WOKEN UP BY Loralei screaming the lyrics to Happy Birthday on the second to last day of October. Groaning, Cerise covered her ears and rolled on her side. She just wanted to sleep. Unlike the last few years where Cerise would celebrate her birthday with Loralei and Cho, she was only celebrating it with Loralei. . . In her lessons.

Now, don't get her wrong — She loves Loralei more than she loves herself, which is saying something because Cerise thought she was fucking amazing.

She knew Loralei was a better person than she was.

Sighing, she finally got herself out of bed and had a quick shower. She had time, she probably wasn't going to go to her lessons all day anyway. Why would she? This was a birthday worth celebrating; She was seventeen, finally of age.

She could now use magic outside of Hogwarts, she could even place her name in for the Triwizard Tournament if she wanted to. ( She wasn't going to anyway, she did not fancy dying any time soon. )

Cerise and Cedric were sat in the common room, accepting gifts off all of their friends; Cedric had the most gifts. Everyone in their house got him a gift. Cerise, however, only had gifts off Loralei, Cedric, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones.

Cedric got them matching bracelets, Hannah and Susan got her a joint gift as they didn't know her that well, it was only a huge stash of sweets and chocolates. Honestly, Cerise was surprised to have a gift off them, but she was beyond grateful. Especially because it was a sweet stash — she had a huge sweet tooth.

Loralei got her a photoalbum; it was filled with all of their memories. The pictures started from first year, and onwards. As Cerise flicked through the pictures, she couldn't help but frown as she saw a picture with Lee, Fred, George, Loralei and herself. They were all in their matching Weasley sweaters. The next photo, however, was one of Cerise's favourites — Lee had decided to take it, and it was Loralei, Fred, herself and George. They were all partnered up, and they were waltzing around the Great Hall. . . It must've been around one in the morning that night.

Her eyes watered. She missed them, but she wouldn't admit it. She was far too stubborn.

"I have three more gifts to give you," Loralei said, "They aren't from me."

Cerise hoped one of them was from Cho.

The first gift was a reading book; It was Roald Dahl's Matilda. Cerise loved reading in her free time, it kept her mind occupied. After placing the book next to her other gifts, she opened the next one. It was a bottle of Firewhiskey, that had a note attached to it. 'This bottle will refill whenever it's all gone, it will never be empty. Happy birthday', she had no idea who it was from; She couldn't recognise the handwriting.

The next gift, however, was completely different. It was a bouquet of orange roses. Cerise stared at the roses, before finding a note attached to them. 'These roses will never die, just like our family's love for you'; Cerise had no idea who these gifts were from, but she didn't care. She loved each gift.

As the day went on, Cerise found herself waiting to see if Cho had gotten her anything. For the past few years, Cho always got her a piece of jewellery, but Cerise knew this year would be different.

She had a feeling Cho forgot to get her a present.

Cerise entered Transfiguration with a small frown on her face. Loralei was shocked when she saw Cerise walk through the door, and even more shocked to see that her best friend was frowning.

Taking her seat, Cerise sent Loralei a fake smile as Cedric and Cho entered the classroom, laughing and talking with one another. "What are you guys talking about?" Loralei asked them as they took a seat behind the duo.

"Just how we're celebrating Ceddy-Bear's birthday today," Cho replied, smiling sweetly at Cedric. This hit a nerve for Cerise. "He's finally seventeen."

Cerise narrowed her eyes, "Ceddy-Bear?" She repeated, her eyes darting back and forth between her twin and supposed best friend. "You have got to be fucking kidding me. You're letting her call you Ceddy-Bear?"

"I told her to s —"

"Whatever," Cerise interrupted, "I don't want either of you to talk to me today. I'm not letting myself get into a bad mood on my birthday."

"Your birthday," Cho said, her eyes wide as realisation hit her. Cerise turned around while Loralei glared at the duo behind them.

As the twins were the last to enter, Fred and George walked past Cerise, saying "Happy birthday" before they took their seat in front of Cerise and Loralei.

"Happy indeed," Cerise said, placing her head in her hands. She grabbed her quill and doodled all over her piece of parchment as McGonagall began handing out some raccoons. They were supposed to transfigure the raccoons into goblets, but Cerise didn't feel up to it.

Loralei grabbed Cerise's hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Forget about them," she whispered, "You know whatever they have going on won't last, and Cho'll just come crawling back to us."

Cerise nodded, "Yep, I know," she muttered, waving her wand around aimlessly. It flew out of her hand and hit George right in the back of the head. "Oh, for fucks sake! Now I have to clean my wand."

George placed the wand back onto Cerise's desk, giving her a small smile. The comment hurt him, but he hid it well. He knew Cerise was just having a bad day.

"Yes, Mr. Weasley?"

Cerise's head shot up and she saw George lower his hand. "How exactly are the champions chosen?" He asked McGonagall.

"Shut up and go back to transfiguring your raccoon," McGonagall said, rolling her eyes. "You'll find out soon, work is more important right now."

Cerise raised her hand into the air once she heard Cho and Cedric's giggling from behind her. Her chest felt heavy, and she felt as if she couldn't breathe. But she was okay, she had to be.

"Yes, Miss Diggory?"

"Can I leave?" Cerise asked, her voice shaking. "I'm not feeling too great right now."

McGonagall sighed, "Yes, you can." Before Cerise got out the door, she heard McGonagall shout faintly, "Happy birthday, by the way, Miss Diggory!"

After a few minutes, Loralei shot her hand up. "I don't feel too well, either, Miss," she said, glancing back to the door. She hoped Cerise hadn't gotten too far.

"Yeah, neither do we," Fred and George spoke up, already having their things packed away.

"Yeah, Professor," Lee said, "I think there's a bug or something going around, I think I need to go to the hospital wing."

McGonagall sighed, but she still dismissed them. She knew they were lying, she knew they wanted to check on Cerise; even if three of them weren't exactly friends with her at the moment.

As Cerise headed down the corridor, she could feel the tears building up in her eyes. She didn't even get a gift off her parents, but Cedric did. Josephine didn't even get her anything. Sometimes, she really hated being a Diggory — more specifically, sometimes she hated being Cedric's twin sister.

"Oh, there you are!" A familiar voice called. Hermione Granger. "If I had known it was your birthday sooner, I would've gotten you something better. Happy birthday, Cerise."

As she unwrapped the gift, she saw a beautiful necklace with a butterfly on it. Cerise loved butterflies. "Thank you," Cerise smiled, "I love it — Can you help me put it on?"

Hermione grinned, placing the necklace around Cerise's neck and tightening it at the back. "I also have this card for you."

As Cerise looked at the card, she couldn't stop a few tears from rolling down her face. "I went around the school all day, asking students and teachers to sign it for you."

Cerise wrapped her arms around Hermione, as she whispered, "Thank you."

A/N: I hate Cho rn.

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