Death Threats

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A swift glance in the mirror allowed me to assess my appearance before returning to work. With my break concluding, I steeled myself with a deep breath, ready to dive back into the vibrant atmosphere of the bustling bar.

Tonight was good night, full house. "Hey Arien, anything for me?" Since the Bartender refused to give us her name we set to call her by her species.

"No."  She answered cutely.

The Alien was rude and dry, but once you get used to her you learn to like her way. A small bip signalled me to table twenty seven, where a family of three RosyVentis greeted me with their weird version of smiles. " What can I do for y'all?"

"Taiga, could you be a dear and bring us another serving of those fried shrimps?"

"See, I knew you'd like them!" I smirked confidently. The potential risk of sounding speciesist paled in comparison to the satisfaction of seeing them relish their meals. The RosyVentis bear a striking resemblance to Squidward, donned in a gentle pastel beige. Despite their squid-like appearance, they take great offence on being compared to the sea creature.

I was mid way on place their shrimp order at the kitchen station when Sara, the hostess called for me sounding defeated. "Taiga I am so sorry!"

"Okay... And what you are sorry for?" I eyed her suspiciously.

"I needed to put them somewhere. And you are the only one who is seemly not afraid of anything!" She defended herself without answering.

" Now you are really making me worried. What the fuck did you do?" I looked up on her black eyes.

" A table of four Ursolites."

"Oh!." I laughed relieved." It's okay really."

Ursolites were well, infamous around earth. They looked like bipedal shaved bears with black eyes and by the mohawk and military-like attire those four sported, they were mercenaries.

"Good night gentleman's. I am Taiga and I'll be your waitress for the night." The four of them acknowledge me and paid close attention as I explained the menu for them.

"What happened to your face?" The smallest of them asked pointing a clawed finger to my right brow were I've put an unicorn bandaid to hide a small cut I received earlier today.

I laughed." Oh this? My face had set up a date with the cupboard and forgot to warn me about."

They all laughed, they're voice's were rough, deep and it sounded a lot liking growling. " Do you have valerian root beer?" The one in to my side asked.

"Yes, we do." When they asked for a round off beer, I turned around giving a thumbs up to Sara that was anxiously looking at me. She feared the beasts. Sara could handle almost anything except Ursolites.

The thing about working on an intergalactic bar was that you served the most weird stuff to the even weirdest customers. Breathing trough my mouth to avoid the Strong odor of the beer I lifted the heavy tray and marched back to the Ursolites. "There you go."  I place the giants glasses of beer at the table. " Have you had a chance to decide what to eat?"

"Oh yes, sweetheart." The one at the left who was also the strongest looking of the group answered. Bending a little to be almost face to face with me he continued."You."

Not impressed. I can't tell how many times I've had people telling me something similar. "Well, I am sorry but I am not on the menu." I offered a wink for him. " But I can suggest the Proboskis steak. I was told that they taste a lot like human flesh."

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