Good Bye.

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After the commotion, Derrick decided to close for the night. Almost the whole staff schedule to work that day was now seated in a table trying to understand what the actual fuck just happened.

Kaail was sharing a table with a very grumpy Shagrat. "Yautja honored. Shagrat know this much." The Orc crossed his arms. "Shagrat kill yautja if little Taiga hurt."

For a fleeting moment, Kaail entertained the notion of beheading the Orc who doubted his ability to care for Taiga. Yet, a deeper understanding emerged, recognizing that the Orc, in his own way, sought to protect her. Kaail comprehended the significance of the bar to Taiga and the genuine care they harbored for her. He recalled how the human owner had jeopardized his business to shield her from that corrupted agent, deepening his understanding. "I will kill myself before hurting my female," underscoring the profound depth of his commitment to Taiga's well-being.

The Orc nodded. "Shagrat approves of you." And with that he got up and went in the direction his kitchen, but stopped. "Avien." He called and when she looked at him he finally managed to speak "Shagrat wishes to talk. Come."

The pink Avien blushed a deeper tone of pink, adjusted her hair and quickly followed the Orc through his kitchen door.

Taiga couldn't hold her smile. She knew Shagrat would finally make his move and just hoped the two would find in each other what she found in Kaail. She took a moment to appreciate his presence, seated at table twenty one. He nursed a glass of C'ntlip. From here, she didn't knew what shagrat had said to him, but could read his satisfied posture. Taiga blushed remembering when he said that he was in fact Her Husband. She felt butterfly's in her belly when he looked at her.

"You should go." Derrick voice once again pulled her back.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure y'all were all right."

"I am not talking about tonight." Derrick sounded sad. " I know you are honoring your two weeks notice and I am telling that you should go."

Taiga felt her insides grew cold for a moment ."Why are you telling me that?" 

Derrick took a sip of his beer, his warm smile directed at Taiga. "I'm not saying it like a bad thing. We all love you, Taiga." He glanced at Kaail and then back at her. "He's waiting for you patiently. He's a good guy. I've seen how you look at each other. I believe you when you say you're happy with him. I want you to be happy." He took in a deep breath. "I need you to be happy. I couldn't do much to protect you from your hardships. Seeing you happy is reason enough. I want you to be free."

Taiga regarded him for a second she had a thousands arguments in her head, but none seemed good enough to be voiced. She casted a glance at the table. The whole staff was looking at her, smiling. She took a shuttering breath. "Are you going to be okay without me? "

Derrick chuckled " I will. You set the bar really high, but we will manage. You shouldn't worry about The Den. Your mate has put us under Yautjan Protection. We will be more than fine."

"Thank you." She was having mixed fellings inside. In one hand she was happy. In another she was terrible sad. Tears overflowed her control and she hugged Derrick. " Thank you for everything." She glanced around... " Thank you all."

Sara hurriedly hugged her favorite waitress, she too was crying." You are the best! I will miss you! Please, come to visit once in awhile!"

"I will miss you too!!" She hugged the hostess back.

Taiga was a emotional mess when she exited through the staff door for the last time. Kaail was by her side, silent offering support. She would also miss the translator. She knew had she asked Derrick would give it to her, but she also knew they were hard to come by.

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