Hunter and prey.

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Taiga found herself inexplicably surprised at the unmasked Yautjas, even though it was evident that they needed to remove their bio-masks in order to drink. She had encountered various creatures, yet her gaze lingered. It wasn't their faces that astonished her—she found them rather endearing. What made her pause was the eyes of the taller one. In all her experiences, she had never seen anything like it. His irises were a captivating blend of black, red, and golden stripes, akin to a marbled obsidian.

He held her gaze, a silent exchange that left her feeling trapped. Instincts screamed at her to look away, but her resolute mind fought back, compelling her to maintain her own green eyes locked onto his as she approached the table.

Taiga had long ago concluded that the diverse extraterrestrials frequenting Earth fascinated her. Finding beauty in their differences became a skill she honed, and for some reason, all her crushes tended to be of alien origin. Observing the four-tusked mandibles, adorned with engravings, she couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to kiss him. His skin appeared rugged, and the small, spike-like protrusions on his head and jaw beckoned for her touch. He was beautiful.

"Sorry for the wait. What can I do for you?"   She remembered to say, breaking their stare contest.

The Hunter left out a little laugher shaking his head, clearly amused by her. " I need your input in something we were discussing. It that acceptable?"

"Sure." Her curiosity picked at this.

" You see, it's the first time my nephew is visiting earth." He pointed to the smaller one, that looked bored. " And I was explaining to him that even though Oomans are fragile, easyly breakable little creature's they are smart and can be surprisingly creative when put in disadvantagius position."

Taiga nodded pondering."...And where do you need my opinion on this?" She was confused, and something in the back of her head told her that his description of humans was a direct jab on her.

"Can you explain, why is that?"

"Hmm... Most humans are afraid of death." She answered. " We have short life spans compared to most species on the known universe maybe that's the reason most people do whatever they can to avoid death."

" It still makes no sense to me, how Oomans can live such empty lives." The short one voiced his opinion.

"That's is only natural I suppose." Taiga interjected. " I know close to nothing about Yautja, so I will try to put it in a simple perspective for you." She made a pause to make sure he was listening to her."We're rather simple creatures, each unique but none truly special. Much like selfish ants traversing Earth, toiling and constructing, always seeking better ways to survive individually and as a collective," she reflected. A faint smile appeared as she noticed the shorter one shaking his head. "Fulfillment comes from various sources, different for each individual. Personally, I take pride in my job. Some dedicate their lives to helping others, while others find joy in breaking the law and evading consequences. It may seem trivial to someone like you, with the opportunity to explore the vast unknown of the universe, but for us, it holds a precious significance."

"When you put it like that..." The nephew whispered.

"And we don't take everything so seriously. Life is short, enjoy the ride." She winked playfully gaining a shocked reaction from the younger one.

" Why are you named Taiga?" The tallest one changed the subject abruptly.

"Will you call me out on my bullshit again if I answer that?" She raised a defiant brow to him.

"Only if you lie."

She laughed, " Then let me just say that my real name is not Taiga." She saw when he was about to talk but interrupted him. " I will definitely lie if you ask what is my real name."  Her wrist bipped. "I need to go, beep me if you need anything."

With a confident stride, Taiga approached the table where a couple of Corvaxels were engrossed in a romantic date. Skillfully taking their order, her heart raced with each step. She sensed His gaze on her, an unrelenting presence that seemed to follow her every move. Nervousness and exhilaration intertwined within her.

In a world where everyone and their mothers feared the Yautjas, the scarce information available acted more as a formidable warning against crossing their path. Yet, there she was, engaged in conversation with them. A surge of happiness, pride, and excitement bubbled within her—a triumphant dance with the unexpected.

She was in the middle of taking an order of cocktails for another table when Melissa, her fellow waitress caught her attention. "Girl I don't know how you do it. But holy shit."

"I know right. They are a little intimidating, but I think I can handle."

"You are not handling it." Melissa gestured quotes on the air. " You have two yautjas engaging with you, without actually hunting you! You should be canonized."

"No sense. Everything got to relax at some point." She dismissed balancing the tray full of fluorescent pink shots. "Besides, I don't do anything special."

"Right right..." Melissa dismissed her with her hands rolling her eyes. "Treat them with respect and they'll do the rest." She repeated Taiga's moto in a mocking tone. The short girl only laughed and turned to leave.

Kaail observed her gracefully moving through the saloon, meticulously designed to cater to the diverse array of species permitted to visit Earth. Noticing her reactions, he couldn't help but recognize the impact he had on her. Initially pleased that the Ooman he had set his eyes upon didn't shy away from him, although he appreciated her cautious demeanor. Even his attempts at intimidation failed to make her falter.
The fragrance of her brazen arousal lingered in Kaail's memory, a scent forever etched in his mind. He pondered whether she was aware that he knew of her desire for him. She was interesting, the more he learned about her, the more he wanted to know her.

"Does she knows that evorexos enjoy eating human flesh?" Baa'kub wondered out loud.

"Hard to know." Kaail watched her serve the slender bioluminescent creatures with kindness."If she does, she clearly doesn't care."

"Can I speak freely Master?" Baa'kub sounded uncertain. Kaail just nodded without taking his eyes from the female he was Hunting. " I don't think she will be a suitable mate for you."

Kaail scoffed. " What makes you think I'm looking for a mate?"

"You are exhaling your dia'shui..." Baa'kub almost whispered.

"Pauk." Kaail hadn't realized what he was doing. "My body is simply responding to a female in need." He tried to dismiss his slip off control.

" And she is totally not the reason we are here..." The younger offered ironically.

"Totally." Kaail turned to be face to face with his nephew. " We are here celebrating your first trophy."

"And I am sure that the fact that the female from last night is our server is just a coincidence..." Baa'kub crossed his arms.

Kaail chuckled at his nephew's audacious remark. "No, it's not a coincidence," he admitted, taking a casual sip of his drink. "She sparked my curiosity, and I tracked her down to this place." Both Yautjas observed the human in question, effortlessly carrying a heavy tray laden with food. "She might seem delicate, but that tray easily weighs around thirty kilos," he remarked, noting the surprise on his nephew's face. "Did you also overlook how she moves silently on her feet?"

Kaail's gaze returned to the human, his words carrying a tone of respect. "And those bruises, my nephew, that human is a fighter. Despite claiming to be a coward, she holds her ground and looks me in the eye." The memory of her unconscious challenge resonated in Kaail's chest. "She is smart, well-spoken and respectful. From where I stand, she proved to be more than suitable for mating."


dia'shui - Yautja mating scent.

Pauk -  Fuck

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