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Kaail grappled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he couldn't bear the thought of his mate leaving his side, yet he knew she needed this time at the bar. As she prepared in his chambers, he witnessed the toll of her pain, her tears flowing unabated for nearly an hour. His heart ached with despair, knowing he couldn't alleviate her suffering.

But amidst all the anguish, a swell of pride surged within him. The way she confronted those scumbags, her strength and resilience in the face of adversity, filled him with admiration. She was a force to be reckoned with, and he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride in her courage.

Overwhelmed with frustration, he let out a deep, resonant sigh. The urge to go back and exact vengeance on those who had treated his Mate with disrespect gnawed at him. He regretted not intervening earlier when they had dared to mock her, but he understood the strategic choice she made. Kaail knew it was a battle she had to face, with him as a silent guardian unless things escalated dangerously.

He recognized the wisdom in her request. Random acts of violence would only complicate matters, especially given the restrictions Yautjas faced on Earth. Acquiring special permits to hunt and limiting their targets to bad bloods had become a frustrating reality, a harsh constraint that restrained his instincts for immediate justice.

"Master." Baa'kub called behind him. Kaail only grunted acknowledging the younger. "I just came back from my hunt."

" What do you want?" As soon as the words came out, Kaail resented them. Baa'kub hadn't done nothing wrong.

"I am just checking in. As protocol."  The younger defended himself.

"Any injury to report?" Kaail said after taking several calming breaths.

"Just scratches. Nothing serious." Baa'kub answered formally. "Master, I am satisfied with my time here. I am ready to go back."

Kaail nodded, he was expecting it. Hunting humans was becoming less and less appealing for everyone. He was honestly shocked Baa'kub had taken any interest at all. Swirling his chair he carefully watched his nephew. There was something nagging in the back of his head he needed to address. Baa'kub was smart, very skilled and strong, he will be a great hunter. " I came here to guide you on your inaugural hunt, but my focus was elsewhere. I will take you in another hunt." He saw when the Youngblood got exited, bristling.

"I am honored!" Baa'kub fisted his left pectoral.

" We will be leaving earth in two weeks. My mate needs time to end things." He explained without having to.

"I will go clean my trophy's." Baa'kub bowed and left.

Turning away and gazing through the windows towards The Den, Kaail contemplated the temptation of simply taking off, a primal instinct urging him to shield his mate from further distress. The image of her bloodied form in the med-pod flashed in his mind, reigniting the fury and frustration he felt. The scars of her suffering, both physical and emotional, lingered, and he grappled with the realization that no med-pod could mend the wounds she carried now.

"Kaail." Her call echoed through the ship, and he chuckled knowing she was once again lost within its intricate corridors. As he navigated toward her, the thought crossed his mind to include directions in her language for her convenience. However, a mischievous grin formed on his face, and he decided that he rather enjoyed rescuing her.

Discovering her on the opposite side of the ship near the prey cleaning area, Kaail observed her silently for a moment. Her hair neatly braided, dressed for work, the contours of her figure emphasized by the attire, she remained oblivious to his presence. With her back turned, she surveyed the surroundings, glancing from side to side, a subtle gesture of nervousness revealed by her biting her bottom lip. In a fast motion he swept her off her feet, earning a small squeal of surprise. "You have a terrible sense of direction." He observed laughing at the way her cheeks turned blood red.

"I think it will take me awhile to learn how to navigate in your ship." She admitted fidgeting with her nails.

"Take your time." He assured. Nuzzling her neck. "Just to make things clear, I am not your boyfriend."

"Wha....." He saw the gleaming fading from her eyes.

"I read the definition of the term." He explained. "If you ever need a Ooman definition to go by again, the closest thing you will find is Husband."

"H-husband?" She was glowing with embarrassment.

"Something like that." He was walking back to his chambers." Although there's no break-up, no divorce, no leaving." He said the word with disdain. "We are bound. For life. Do you understand?"

She was looking at his eyes, he knew she was searching for something, and could only hope she would found it there."I understand it."

He laid down on their nest bringing her with him.

"Kaail..." She laughed. "I'm gonna be late!"

Pulling her closer, Kaail took a moment to marvel at her resilience. Despite the visible aftermath of her crying fit – a slightly swollen face and the scent of sadness lingering – she stood strong. It struck him how she could endure a devastating blow and emerge ready to face the world as if nothing had happened. A silent admiration for the strength that emanated from her, not just physically but within her mind, stirred within him.

In a deep, resonant purr, he expressed, "I don't want you to go." The sincerity in his voice mirrored the genuine concern he felt for his mate.

"I know." She whispered."But I have to." She was making circle's on his chest. "Come with me."  She offered.

He chuckled..."There's no way you are leaving this ship alone Ooman."

For a moment she didn't answered. "Thank you." She said after raising her head to look at his eyes. "Thank you for being there for me."

"Always." Was all he could say.


Y'all know the drill....

Have fun.

See y'all soon


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